part 11

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Miss Peregrine sat down on her chair and groaned, the poor woman, for the first time in her life, felt overwhelmed

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Miss Peregrine sat down on her chair and groaned, the poor woman, for the first time in her life, felt overwhelmed.

What was she going to do?

Barely an hour ago, one of her children tried to end their own life! Although there had been times when the imbryne had felt upset, this feeling was different, this feeling was self blame.

Nevaeh should have been able to talk to her, not turn away and wallow in her own sorrows.

While Miss Peregrine was in the middle of thinking, someone knocked on the study door,

"Um, Miss Peregrine, the twins are bugging me again." Sighed Hugh as he sucked a bee back into his mouth, just then did the boy notice his head mistresses stressed out expression. "Hey, are you alright, Miss?" 

"Yes Hugh, I'm perfectly fine." she smiled as she straightened her jacket.

"Is it about Nevaeh?" He whispered, sitting down in the chair across from Miss Peregrine.

With a shocked expression vivid on her face for no more than a second, the headmistress frowned.

"Hugh, what have I told you about listening in on conversations!" Miss peregrine warned.

In defence, Hugh threw his hands up.

"Not to be rude or anything, but I think the whole island heard that argument, plus I haven't, honestly, it was Fiona! She told me about Nevaeh and Enoch spending lots of time together and having lots of conversations so I sussed things out for myself, I'm not stupid you know." The boy gabbled.

Miss peregrine sighed.

"Alright Hugh, what exactly do you know?"

"Uh, do you want the truth?" He wavered, fidgeting slightly in his chair.

"Yes Hugh, the truth."

After a long exasperated sigh escaped his lips, Hugh eventually sighed.

"Sort of everything."

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