part 9

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After a moment of standing there observing the scene, Enoch decided to make his presence known

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After a moment of standing there observing the scene, Enoch decided to make his presence known.

"Nevaeh." He called.

The young girl flinched, his voice obviously startling her. She turned around to reveal a tear stained face.

"Enoch?" Her fragile voice reaching his ears, cracking his heart.

"Nevaeh, please come here, I'm sorry!" He begged.

Nevaeh stood up and turned around so that she was facing him, her back towards the ocean.

"I can't forgive myself." she whimpered, "The man from the village, he followed me and I killed him. I'm a monster Enoch.

Nervously taking a few steps towards her, Enoch spoke.

"You are not a monster. We can talk about this. Please come away from the edge." Enoch pleaded.

"No! This is what happened the last time. I was weak and people stopped me, they promised that things would get better, that everything would be okay, but they lied, things got worse!" She cried.

At this point Enoch was distraught, he moved closer to her until all he had to do was reach out and grab her and then she'd be safe.

"I swear Enoch, take another step closer!" She threatened, shaking from head to toe.

"Nevaeh, come on. Things have gotten better since you came. Everybody loves you."

"No, I killed someone. Nobody can love me." She whispered.

"I don't care. I'll love you even if it's the last thing I do." Enoch replied.

He reached out his hand,


Just as Nevaeh was about to answer, her foot slipped.

"Enoch!" She screamed as she grasped onto him.

"I'm here. I've got you. I've always got you." He panted.

"I'm sorry." she sobbed as she clutched his jumper.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he stroked her hair.

.Staying Peculiar >> Enoch O'Connor.Where stories live. Discover now