Miss Me?

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CRASH! I sat up instinctively and looked around me. There was something in the kitchen. It was probably Sans or Papyrus, so I got up and walked into the kitchen. It wasn't either.

"Hello again. Miss me?" It was that demon puppet thing. It smashed a bowl on the ground which created the crash.

"W—what are you doing here? I'm not following in your footsteps, not now, not ever!" Its wicked laugh made me back up. I screamed, "Sans!"

But nobody came.

"Silly human. This is why I ran away from you people. You are so predictable. Either you break away from your morals, or you die living up to them." The thing opened a drawer and pulled out a knife. I shivered, even with Sans' sweater on.

"You can't make me do anything."

"You're right. I can't. But I can influence you to change your mind." It floated past me. "What if I threatened your loved ones? Your parents—"

"They were never my parents." It put its hands up.

"Then what about your friends? If not from the overworld, then how about here? You wouldn't want Papyrus dead. Sans would blame you. Who would you have then? Toriel? She'd never come looking for you. Not after what you did. You left without even saying a simple 'good-bye.' You didn't even leave a note."

"I didn't know! I didn't know the door would shut behind me. If you knew, you wouldn't have told me!"

It chuckled. "True, I wouldn't have. Too late now, anyway. But guess what isn't too late?"

"What?" I was tired of its talking.

"Your demise." It charged at me with the knife in its left hand. I ran away, narrowly missing its attack. I screamed for help. It finally pinned me in a corner. "Any last words?"

"What's wrong, baby bones?"

"Help me Sans! It's going to hurt me!"

Sans teleported down the stairs, his left eye was aglow. The demon had the knife over its head. I closed my eyes tight. I couldn't watch it kill me.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tried backing up further into the corner, struggling to get it off me. I opened my eyes and saw it was gone. There was no demon, and no knife. It was Sans with his glowing eye. I started to cry.

"Kid, what happened?"

Between sobs, I managed to say, "It's trying to hurt me, Sans. It's horrible."

"There, there. It's gone now, okay? It was just a nightmare. There's no one here except Pap and I." He held me as I cried on his shoulder. I explained the whole thing to him.

"I'm sorry that happened to ya."


"Yeah, baby bones?"

"Do you have nightmares that seem so real?"

He hesitated. "Yeah. They're the worst kind."

Then I heard a door open and I inhaled a panicky gasp. Sans held me tighter, and showed me it was just Papyrus. "What's wrong human? I heard a scream."

"Kid had a nightmare, Pap." Sans spoke for me. I was in no condition to speak myself. "I think it would be better if they stayed with one of us for the night."

"Let's all have a sleepover in my room, how about that?" Papyrus suggested. I nodded my head slightly and slowly. Sans carried me up the stairs to Papyrus' room. Papyrus got in bed first, then me, then Sans.

For the first time in a while, I felt safe.

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