My Special Place

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"You've gotta stop taking me to your head, kid. Never know what mind happen if we keep this up." Sans nudged my shoulder as I snickered.

"Heya, Jess! Looks like ya dreamed up something good this time. Look at this handsome guy!" Dream Sans came over to greet us. They shook hands, and the whoopee cushion gag activated. "And he's quite clever."

"It's going to be hard to say 'Sans' to one just to get the other."

"Call me Drans, then." Dream Sans said.

"Call me Seamore."

"Why Seamore, Sans?

"Because I know you will Seamore of me." All three of us burst into laughter.

"My word, you're lucky Papyrus healed me of my asthma."

"Yeah, otherwise we'd breathe hurting ya." Drans sent us into another giggling spree.

"Hey Drans, did you know I actually went to the doctor's office the other day? I was brought in by nurse who wanted tibia doctor, too. Anyway, when the real doctor came in, I knew he was having a bad time, so I told him some jokes. Unfortunately, he wasn't very humerus."

"Wait, wait Sans!" Drans choked out. "Let me guess—when ya finally told him your problems, he already knew because he could see right through ya?" They winked at each other as I rolled on the grass, dying of laughter.

"Ya know, it's rather strange seeing yourself when it's not in the mirror. How long have ya known Jess, Drans?"

"This would be the third dream we've met in. The last one we had a picnic, and I told them the story of Chara." Sans flinched at the name. "I know, Sans. You'll be surprised how much I know."

A question I've been wondering about was answered when Frisk came out from behind the tall cherry tree. They were playing with some bones. Drans likely gave them to Frisk. Now Sans can finally meet Frisk, the angel who has come to free them all. Wait, Sans will think—

"Hey, Frisk. How ya doing?" I could see Sans was nervous, even though Drans welcomed Frisk. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. I put my hand in his.

"Don't worry, Sans, Frisk won't hurt ya. In fact, they're going to come soon and shatter the barrier forever."

"Yes, Sans. I'll see you in reality soon. You will all be free. No one will be hurt in the end. You will see." Frisk gently smiled.

"Ya just remind me of someone in my nightmare earlier. Of Chara." Sans shuddered.

"I wish I never listened to them." Frisk face became downcast.

"What?" Drans stared at Frisk.

"They convinced me to try genocide." Frisk shed a tear. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought you knew, since you seem to remember timelines. I did what they asked, and I paid the price for it. After I got past you, Sans, I reset. That's why I'm so emotionless and non-talkative. I don't want to hurt anyone again."

"Wish ya would've told me. I'm glad ya left that route. Ya listened to Pap in the end." Drans patted Frisk's head.

"I guess I went through so many other runs in between that one and this one that you forgot." Frisk leaned into Drans and cried a little. "His death and yours weighed the most."

"So we helped ya dievert from Chara's plan?" The tears slowly stopped coming from Frisk's eyes. It feels good to see kindness towards someone, even if they may not deserve it.

"This has all been pretty nice. Had some laughs, had some stories, and had some tears. I feel like we should have some fun before we have to go." I charged at Drans. "Tag! You're it!"

We ran around the tree as multicolored leaves swirled about us as they left the branches of all the forest's trees. Drans and Sans got tired quickly, so they used their teleportation magic.

"No fair, guys!"

"Hey, it's not our fault we're gifted with pretty sweet magic." Drans and Sans high-fived. "Do ya want us to be unable to play?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"Are you going to be 'it'?" Frisk tagged me from behind.

"Very clever." Drans gave Frisk a thumbs-up.

After a while, even Frisk and I got worn out. We all collapsed under the cherry tree, breathing heavily. The clouds were turning pink and purple as the sun was setting. We all joined hands; I was in between Sans and Frisk. Every now and again, we would crack a joke or point at the clouds that made shapes.

"That one looks like a bunny." Frisk let go of my right hand to point at the cloud nearby.

"One day, when I may return to the surface, I hop to see one." I said lightheartedly. There was so much I wanted to see and do, I realise that now.

"I can't wait to see the surface," Sans said wishfully. "I'll be able to see Pap fulfill his dreams. I have a few of my own, but nothing compared to his."

"Sans, ya and I both know they're just as neat as his, if not more. Ya just don't want to say it." Drans replied.

"My choice though. Maybe I'll say it aloud sometime."

"Sigh. If we could have more moments like these, I would be the happiest person alive." They all agreed.

"It's too bad we can't stay like this forever. The fresh breeze, gorgeous sunset, great friends, and no problems."

"Those clouds look like... us!" Frisk pointed to another cloud cluster. We concurred.

Drans sat up. "I wish we could stay like this, too, but ya both have to wake up soon. Hotland awaits ya, and so does Pap's breakfast." We all stood up and exchanged hugs and handshakes. Drans snapped his fingers, and Sans and I awoke, sadly.

"I haven't had a dream like that in some time. Thanks for taking me along, Jessey."

"Anytime, Sans. Now, I guess we'll have breakfast, and then we're off to Hotland."

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