Final Fight

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"Wow, I could start a flower garden in honour of Flowey. How did I not see how wonderful he is before?"

"Alright, Jessey, your turn. I want you to cook up some fire for our misbehaving friend."

"You got it, sir! It'll be the strongest attack yet! I already prepared the attack expertly."

"Very good. You're up."

Everything was in place. Three frying pans had fireballs coming out of them and falling on the human's soul. Wait, they look familiar. Ah, what do I know? We can all blur faces together.

But when they got closer, I realised who they were.


I don't want to fight Frisk! They're going to free everyone, Drans said so, but I can't stop mid-attack, can I? Is there another option? Gasp, the ACT button! I'll throw that for Frisk!

I replaced one of the flames for the ACT button and let it fly out of the center pan. Frisk hit it, and I was 'defeated.' Now the only things coming out of the frying pans were green eggs. With each egg they ate, the faster my memories came back. These eggs remind me of the ones I made for breakfast so long ago. The smile on Sans' and Papyrus' faces are forever in my heart.

"Is anyone out there?" I called out and looked around. I faintly saw the other souls except for Noah's.

"Jessey, you're okay!" Olive was the first to greet me.

"Were you in battle too?" Austin asked.

"I'm glad we found you as well. Did Flowey get you too, Rose?" That was Molly's nickname for me, like Tin-Tin is Austin's.

"Yes to both, but now I see that he has deceived us all again. Where is Noah?"

"Probably fighting them now. Hopefully he sees through Flowey's deception." Rachel bounced towards us.

"Does anyone else know that human?" They all shook their heads. "Their name is Frisk. They're going to destroy the barrier forever."

"Truly?" Said Molly.

"Honestly?" Said Rachel.

"Yes. I got to meet them in dreams that I had. We need to—"

"I hope it doesn't stay like a ghost town much longer. Hello?"

"Over here, Noah!"

"Hey guys and gals. That was crazy, right?"

"Yeah. We need to help Frisk, the human, beat Flowey. Let's drop Flowey's defenses to zero and heal up Frisk."

"Great! What are we waiting for? Let's do it!"

Frisk was healed to their maximum health and fought Flowey with all they had, along with Austin's, Noah's, and Molly's help. Soon, Flowey's health dropped to z—Ding! Flowey used a save file to heal himself. That was low, Flowey. Over and over, Flowey loaded save files to instantly kill Frisk. I had enough. They had had enough.

"Take away the save files, everyone." And we did. We took away the 'friendliness pellets' that surrounded Frisk, too.

"Huh? Where are my powers?" We all managed to create a problem for Flowey. We stripped him of 'his power,' and proceeded to destroy his omega form. Pretty soon he was a beat up flower.

"Well done! We got him!" Molly childishly hopped around.

"What comes next?"

"Stay determined. We need to keep our souls alive if we want to assist in breaking the barrier." We agreed with Olive.

But we were still in darkness. We could still hear each other, but we couldn't see anymore. After quite some time, we could hear other voices, too.

"Meow, Ribbit."

"I'm sorry."

"Eat your greens."

"I guess I snow flaked out of there!"

"Nothing's m-m-moving."

"The wifi here sucks."

"Is my hotdog okay?"

"(Yes, dear.)"

"hOI!!!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!!"

"Aaron flexes in! ;) "

"The darkness isn't clean!"


"Tra la la, how is everyone?"

"Vulkin will make coffee!"

"Is the human here? I want to see them again! I-I mean, I don't want to see—I WANT TO KISS THEM!"

"Adieu, adieu."


"Never give up!"

"Pick on me!"

"Are they... monster souls?" Noah wondered.

"I think so." An idea popped in my head. "Sans? Papyrus? Are you there?"

"We're here, baby bones!"

"Human, you're alive!"

"It's so good to hear your voices again. What happened?"

"Well, Asgore was about to fight the human when Tori, the lady whom I told knock-knock jokes to through the door, came and stopped the battle. Then Flowey showed up and stole every monster's soul. Actually, I don't think he got Mettaton or Napstablook. I didn't see or hear 'em." Sans explained. "What about your story? What happened to ya?"

I was about to explain when a bright flash blinded me.

There was only darkness. No voices could beheard.    

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