Dream Sans and Frisk

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"It sounds like it is coming from over there." I heard a voice off in the distance. Why does it sound familiar? In my head I know I don't recognize it, but my soul seems to.

I was back in that demon's torture room, yet it seemed that time went forwards a few minutes. The table I was tied to was there, and so was Sans'. I looked around.

Where was Sans? 

"Heh. Guess you were right, Frisk. Hey there, kid. Whatcha doing out here?" They came into view. It was a child, maybe seven or eight, with a blue shirt with magenta stripes on, and beside them was—Sans?

"Wha—S-Sans? You're okay? From the last nightmare, I was afraid—"

"Nightmare? Kid, this isn't any nightmare. Frisk got us all out a long time ago. Nightmares don't exist anymore, only hopes and dreams." He does seem happier now than he does in reality.

"Are you Frisk?" I asked the child. They nodded.

"They don't talk much, but their actions spoke louder than the few words that they did speak." Sans patted Frisk's head. I gave a coy smile. They both looked very elated.

"You're not the same Sans, now are you?"

"Not exactly the same timeline, no. Ya came way before Frisk did."

"What did Frisk do?"

"Frisk destroyed the barrier. Everyone was able to go free, and, to be honest," Sans looked at Frisk, "I think your kindness helped 'em." I beamed when I heard that.

"So that means I'll get to meet Frisk in person?" They looked at each other in a way that made me know the answer.

Part of me wished I never asked that.

"Not technically. You'll get to see 'em, but—" Sans stopped when Frisk touched his arm.

"You will see. You mean a lot to the people you met. Papyrus, Sans—me." Frisk smiled slightly, and then frowned. "I'm so sorry about all this. I wish each one of you were there to see it."

"Oh, looks like you'll be going soon. I—from your timeline—am not sleeping anymore."

"Do you remember everything so well?"

Sans from this dream flashed his eye and waved his hand. One of those laser shooting cannons appeared. It fired, and I could see that there was Sans from reality waking up, putting up his hood, and exiting the shop. Then the laser and cannon faded away.

"I can see what's going on in my past life, with the help of the Gaster Blasters." Another appeared beside him. He petted its head.

"That's what they're called? I saw one before. You—in my 'timeline'—used one."

"Was there someone I was trying to scare?" He chuckled.

"You woke from a nightmare when I came into the room. You reacted to me. There's a hole in the side of your room because of it."

"Whoops. Guess my room is getting a makeover."

"No pun?" He held up one finger, as if to say 'wait a second.'

"I won't be able to make-up for what I've done. Did that pun blast ya away? I guess I'll know laser." He might have killed me from laughter.

"The joker Sans has returned." All three of us exchanged puns for a little bit before Sans finally spoke seriously.

"Alright, Jess. I wish you could stay longer, but y'outta go find your Sans."

"Wait!" Sans was about to snap his fingers.

"Yeah, baby bones?"

"Do you know who keeps showing up in my nightmares?"

"Jessey, don't ever listen to 'em. They will turn your life into a nightmare. Don't be their puppet."

"But who are they?"

"Next time we meet. I don't have enough time to explain." I ran to them and hugged them both. "I'm missing ya, kiddo. I wish this didn't have to happen the way that it did." I could tell he was trying not to cry. He snapped his fingers, and I was back in Gerson's shop. Both Pap and Gerson were sleeping.

Now where could Sans have gone? 

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