Fallen Down

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"Ugh, my head." I rubbed my noggin, but something didn't feel quite right. Maybe I'm just not thinking straight. I looked around, and realised that this wasn't my home. This was—a cave? I tilted my head back and saw that I must've fallen down this hole.

Well, if I remember correctly, I was on top of the mountain. Yes, I was collecting an herb for the stew Gram was making. I'm still wearing my old stained apron. She said the best tasting ones were on the mountain.

I need to get up and find a way out. I stood up on golden flowers. Hey, this looks like the herb! Maybe if I pick a few—

"Howdy! You're new to the underground, aren't you?" Before I even touched a flower's stem, a bigger flower suddenly grew and was talking to me. I hope it didn't know I was planning on cooking some of its friends. Are they all talking flowers?

"My name is Jessey. But everyone calls me Jess." Then I asked, "What is your name?"

"I'm... Flowey. Flowey the Flower!" I smiled at it. It was so adorable. I wish I could hug it without hurting it. "Here, I'll teach you something."

All of a sudden, all I saw was a heart shaped green thing come from my chest. Then, it was put a box.

And then my perspective changed. I was inside the box.

"See that green heart? That is your soul, the very culmination of your being!" So that's what it is. "Monsters will attack you, so you need to know this. Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What does LV stand for? Why, LOVE of course! You want some LOVE, don't you?"

"Why, yes, I do! Don't we all?"

"Hee, hee, very true. Here, I'll share some with you!" The flower, Flowey, gave me a silly-winky face and sent me into another giggling spree. "Down here, LOVE is shared through... little white... 'Friendliness pellets.' Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!"

I saw five friendliness pellets coming towards me, and hey, who wouldn't want love? Maybe these could be added to improve a recipe of some sort—OW!

"Hey! What kind of love was that?"

"You IDIOT. Not what you expected, huh? Well, in this world, its kill or be killed!Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?!" Then a tight, unsurpassable circle of friendliness pellets, which I now know are not friendly, surrounded me. "Die." The circle was closing in. I was trapped with only one health point left.    

The pellets got very close, but before they destroyed me, something happened. A fireball came from nowhere and knocked Flowey away. It also destroyed the pellets and gave me my twenty health back. Sweet as sugar.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth. Do not worry my child, I will not hurt you. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. Follow me. I will guide you through the catacombs."

As much as I appreciate what she did for me, I'm not going to be 100% trusting this goat gatekeeper monster person, but since I have no idea what is going on or what this place is or who these people are, I'll have to go with her. Toriel, right?

She did a few puzzles with me and taught me how to ACT kindly to a dummy by talking to it. I actually enjoyed it. Kindness is always the way to go. One time she ran ahead of me. I was a little nervous, but I stayed on the path like she said. I walked along the path for a few minutes before she came out from behind a pillar.

"I was only testing your independence," she said in her angelic voice. "I would never leave you without reason."

She held my hand as we went to her home. It was beautiful, with the golden flowers out front. We went inside and Toriel asked, "Which do you prefer, cinnamon or butterscotch?"

Cinnamon is a wonderful thing to have while cooking, but butterscotch is to die for, so I answered. "Butterscotch."

She smiled and walked into what I presumed to be the kitchen, and I was once again alone with my thoughts.

This, I must say, has been crazy. A talking flower that nearly killed me, a goat monster caretaker, a bunch of puzzles—and what is with the golden flowers? Do they mean something, or are they the only flowers that can grow here?

"My child, you do not dislike cinnamon, do you?" Toriel's head poked around the corner.

"Cinnamon is great with cooking, but I just prefer the taste of butterscotch." She nodded her head. "Are you making something?"

"A butterscotch pie. It'll be ready in—" BEEP! The oven timer went off, and Toriel likely went to take the pie out. "Have a seat at the table, my child, and I'll bring you a slice." 

I sat at the table and put my hands on it and found it was damp. I sniffed it, but I didn't smell anything but the wooden table. I licked it off my fingers. Salty. They must be tears that—"Here you are, my child. Chew carefully, it's still hot." She placed the pie on the wet spot. It smells heavenly.

"While I wait for it to cool down, can we make something with cinnamon?" A smile grew on her face.

"Of course we can, my child. Follow me!" She brought me into the kitchen. She still had a tiny mess to clean up. "How about we make some cinnabuns?" I nodded, pleased with her decision, though I didn't know what it was.

We made the dough and icing for the cinnabuns and put the cinnamon swirl on them. Toriel used her fire magic to cook them, and I guess she baked the pie the same way. I enjoyed the experience, and I learned a new recipe for when I return home.

Sigh. I wish I was home.    

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