Her New Home

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"Welcome to your new home, Jessey. It's good to see ya again." Drans hugged me. "Sorry about what happened, kiddo. Wish it could've been better, but at least your soul is still intact." Floating slightly above Frisk's hands was my green heart shaped soul, but half of it was blue.

"Why is my soul like that?"

"Because Sans has it in him. He's holding on to ya."

"What would happen to it otherwise?"

"It would pass on from this life to the next. You're lucky. Your soul is in good hands, or rather, good Sans, if I'm allowed to say that. Everything he does, you'll be able to know."

"Will I be able to hear him?"

"Yeah, here." Drans tossed me a pair of headphones. "Put 'em on, and you'll be able to hear all conversations and his thoughts." I slid them on and heard Sans and Papyrus arguing. "The mic is for saying your thoughts to Sans alone."

"—not tell Undyne or Asgore, Pap. If ya do, we won't be able to communicate with Jessey. We'll lose 'em forever!"

"But Sans, won't that be dishonest?"

"Only if ya lie. Don't bring it up and avoid it at all costs, please? We gotta keep Jessey in our care. Asgore will just let 'em be alone in those canisters like the others. Who knows how long they'll have to stay there."

"What if they bring it up? Undyne will ask where they have gone."

"When the time is right, I'll give 'em Jessey's soul. It may just be a while."

"Sans, I know there is no way I can convince you, but I also know that you won't give them up soon. I want to have them back as well, but let them decide, okay?"

"Alright. Hey, Jess," Sans put his hand on his chest, I think, because I felt something touch mine. "How ya doing?"

"I'm without pain now, and I feel safe with you." I spoke into the microphone.

"I'm glad. I still wish you were here."

"As do I, human!" Papyrus came in again.

"You two are sweeter than sugar. I know, I should have let Pap heal me, but I couldn't keep doing this. I was near death at least three times, and the only reason I survived was because the timing of others saved me. This was the last time I wanted to rely on people, since I knew that eventually, there would be no one there to save me. Don't worry; I was happy to be with you guys in the end." Sans repeated what I said to Papyrus, and continued to relay my messages.

"Human, I wish you did not think that way. We would have protected you. We still want to."

"But we want to do what ya think is best for ya. So, do ya want to stay with me, or a glass canister for breaking the barrier?"

This was a difficult question to answer. Sans mentioned that his one wish, though I suspected he had more, was to break the barrier, but after having me around so much, he may have changed his mind.

"How about you keep me for as long as no one asks, or until you can't hide me any longer? I want to be with you guys, but I also want to shatter the barrier so you can have more freedom."

"I'm glad we could find a compromise, human! Though, I still wish I could hear your voice again."

"I sort of wish I didn't make the choice that I made, but I'm still with you, whether my soul is there or not." I looked at my wrist as if expecting to see the time. "I do believe it is time for bed, though. Sweet dreams, you two."

"Good night, baby bones." I felt something on my chest again.

"Sleep well, human."

I took the headset off and returned to Drans and Frisk. "How was that experience, kiddo?"

"They were able to communicate with me! It's remarkable! Thank you."

"Wanna know something interesting? Your soul is actually helping Sans. Alphys injected him with determination. Your soul is giving him tiny doses, just enough that he'll get it all over time without any side effects. Neat, huh?"

"Side effects?"

"The rest of the monsters she injected become several amalgamates. Their bodies can't handle the determination, so they'll all melt together. They're still alive, but in strange forms. You're the reason Sans can withstand those effects."

"Now I get what Dr. Alphys was worried about."

"So now that you get it, how about some more cloud spotting?"

"Ya better not do it without us." I turned and saw Sans and Papyrus at the bottom of the hill. "Miss us, baby bones?"

"Sans! Papyrus!" I ran to them and squeezed them tight. It felt like it was old friends meeting again after being apart for so long. "Did you get here through my soul?"

"Pap wanted to feel closer to ya, so he invited me to stay in his bed for the night. Well, it worked."

"Human! The great Papyrus is honoured to see you again, and hear your voice!" Papyrus looked at Drans and Frisk. "Is there another Sans? And who is your human friend?" They walked down to greet Sans and Pap.

"Hey Papyrus. The name's Drans, since you're seeing me—"

"Why do I get the feeling that—?"

"In your Drans." We all howled with laughter, except Papyrus, who just screamed.


"I thought I was the only one who was worthy of being yelled at. Perpaps I was wrong." Sans did his signature wink.


"Alright, let us not anger Papyrus too much."

"You'reright, Frisk." Drans teleported to the top of the hill with Frisk on hisshoulders. "Now, how about that cloud watching?"

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