Jessey's Disclosure

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I jumped off the couch I was lying on and hopped two stairs at a time to the top. I bolted down the hallway to Sans' room. When I burst in, Sans sat straight up suddenly. His eye continued to glow brilliantly.

"Sans, are you okay? Whoa!" SWISH! A wall of bones came at me, but I tucked and rolled out of the way.

I stood in front of the hole in the wall. We need to fix it, I thought, since this is absolutely, dabsolutely the best time to be thinking about that. Wait, this isn't the greatest place to—

DING! My soul came out of my chest a tiny bit, just enough so I could see it turn—blue? I started to feel heavy. Sans was taking slow strides towards me.

"You'll never hurt them again," stated Sans. He made a pushing action with his left arm. I slid backwards. Below me was a second-storey drop into I don't know how deep snow. Sans' face looked smug. "Any last words? Before ya get dunked on?"

"Yes." I really hope you wake up, Sans. "I want to thank you, for everything. You and Papyrus have been so kind to me. I feel so fortunate to have met you two." I felt limp as I dangled in the air. A glimmer of recognition showed in Sans' expression, if only for a moment.

"Why are ya pulling at my heartstrings? Guess I'll have to make you suffer for that. How about—"

"Sans! Put the human down safely! What is the fuss about?" Papyrus came into the room and turned the light on.

"P-Papyrus?" Tears streamed down his face, his breath slowed down gradually. Then he turned to look at me. "Oh! Baby bones, I'm so sorry!" Sans put me cautiously next to his bed and sat beside me. My heart returned to green and was placed back in my chest at the snap of Sans' fingers.

"Are you two alright? Do you need to talk?" Papyrus brought his hands on top of Sans' shoulders and kneeled.

"I, I just need some time. To calm my nerves, ya know?" Sans looked at the ground as the tears kept coming.

"Sigh. Alright, Sans, whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here for you." Papyrus embraced Sans. I figured that was my cue to leave, but Sans stopped me.

"Hold on, kiddo. I'd like to make this up to both of ya. Wanna get something to eat?"

"No thanks, I might as well head to bed again. I'll see you two in the morning. Sweet dreams!" Papyrus left.

"Welp, I'm going to Grillby's." Sans held out his hand.

I put my tiny hand in his. "Okay." Part of me expected Sans to teleport, but we walked instead.

"I'm sorry about that, baby bones. I'm a little delusional after nightmares like these. I felt we should just walk, so I wouldn't have to use any magic."

"I appreciate that. Thank you, Sans. You always seem to know what's going on." We entered Grillby's, and since it was really early in the morning, only Grillby was at the bar.

"Good morning, Sans. Human." Grillby was cleaning a glass again. "Nightmare?"

"Heh. Worse." Grillby slid a bottle of ketchup to Sans. "Scared the kid and Pap."

"Are you going to say what happened, or leave us in suspense?" He asked as Sans took a big swig of ketchup.

"I guess I'll say. But, ya can't tell Pap. If he hears this, I'm afraid he'll be terrified. Please?" Grillby and I nodded. "Okay then. Well, heh, let's just start at the beginning.

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