We Are Free

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"Huh? Who's this with Frisk?" Our six coloured human souls spun in a circle while the upside-down heart shaped monster souls spun in the opposite direction. Some goat kid had his arms outstretched. CRACK! The barrier split in two and shattered. Everyone was free.

The kid released the monster souls to go back to their proper owners, and we human souls were free as well. Some of us wanted to back to our families, but there was only one family I wanted to go back to.

Sans, Papyrus, I'm coming home.


Frisk went towards the rest of the underground, then I came to Sans and Papy. "Did you miss me?"

"Oh my God, Jess, I'm glad you're still here. Ya aren't saying your last goodbye, are ya?"

"No, don't leave human! The great Papyrus doesn't want you to go!"

"Actually, I was wondering if I could stay within you, at least for a little while. I want to see how it all works out on the surface." Sans held out his hand.

"Kid, stay as long as ya want to." I ran into his chest, and I found myself with the headset, the hill, and the cherry tree. I put the headset on.

And the rest is history.



Author's Note:

This, unfortunately, is the end. Throughout this book, I hope you found something that made you laugh, cry, smile, or found something that inspires you. What do you think of the ending and the book overall? I love to hear your opinions and constructive criticism.

For now this is farewell. This book took me months to write, weeks to gather the courage to publish it, and days to copy it from Word. Thank you reader, for sticking around 'til the end, and for those who helped me (in the -=Special Thanks=-).

I hope you enjoyed! Peace be with you.

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