The Demon's Past

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"Back so soon?" It was Sans' voice, but I knew it was Dream Sans.

We were no longer in the bleak torture room. This time, we were under the shade of a giant cherry tree. It must have been early autumn, for the forest around us was a blaze of colours. A light, gentle breeze past by every so often.

"Frisk and I were just having a picnic. Care to join?" Sans gestured to an empty spot on the quilt.

"Why thank you." I bowed and sat down. Frisk handed me a butterscotch-chocolate chip cookie.

"I saw what happened today. Are you alright?" Frisk asked as they nibbled on their cookie.

"I'm still alive, huh?" They started to shift uncomfortably. "You know what I mean." Sans put his hand on their shoulder, and they were fine again. "Man, I'm relived that he can console you."

"Heh heh, good one, but it won't be hard to live up to that one."

And we kept making puns up as we went. We wolfed down our sandwiches and drank lots of water and juice.

"—so I told the lady rat to flea the country before someone wanted to sewer."

"My word, this has been one of the greatest times I've had in a while," We were all grinning ear to ear. "But I'm going to say the elephant in the room. I trunks you'll listen?"

"Yeah, fire away." Sans said in between his laughter.

"Last time I asked about that demon person. Who are they, and why are they haunting me?"

I wish we could keep the good times alive longer.

"They were the first human to fall. They hated humanity, and wanted to end it all, but they survived, just like ya. Prince Asriel, the son of King Asgore and former Queen Toriel—"

"Toriel? I met her in the Ruins. She saved me from Flowey. I didn't realise she was married."

"She no longer is, even in your timeline. I'll explain later." Sans winked. Did I hear the tone of one Sans being in love? "Anyway, Asriel brought the child back to the castle, and the King and Queen adopted 'em."

"So, what happened to the child? Why did Asgore and Toriel divorce? Why is the child so demonic now?" I laid the questions out.

"Let me tell the story, okay? Patience is a virtue."


"Well, one day the child fell ill. There was nothing anyone could do. Eventually, the child asked one final request; they wanted to see the flowers of their village again. The problem was that even though they wanted to fulfill the request, they couldn't. But when they died, Asriel absorbed their soul. With his monster soul and their human soul, Asriel was able to cross the barrier with the dead child. He brought 'em to the bed of flowers. Soon, screams rang out, and the villagers came to see the creature with the dead child in his arms. Believing that he had killed the kid, the villagers attacked Asriel without mercy. He had the power to destroy 'em all, but he didn't fight back. Soon, he stumbled home and died. His ashes spread across the garden. The King and Queen lost two children within a day of each other. Asgore decreed that any humans that fall down will die, and their souls used to break the barrier. Toriel was so furious with Asgore that she left him and went to live in the Ruins."

"Uh, uh!" Frisk was tugging at Sans' arm.

"What is it? Ya want me to check on me?" Sans chuckled. "Alright, I'll trust ya. Ya think something's up?"

Sans snapped his fingers, and a Gaster Blaster appeared. It fired the laser, and a moving picture of Sans' room came up. Sans was squirming. His face was contorting, and I could see the blue-green glow coming from his closed left eye.

"Oh no, I need to get back! I need to help him!" I ran towards the image. "Sans, may you please send me back?"

"Right away, kiddo."

"See you two soon. Oh, and Sans, what was the name of the child?"

"Your Sans will tell ya." Frisk stood a little bit behind Dream Sans as they waved to me. You could say it was a snap getting back. Heh heh.

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