It's -Soul- Nice to Meet You

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Many dreams and tears have passed. Years have passed. Humans have passed.

There are six of us now: orange, yellow, aqua blue, purple, blue, and me, green. I wasn't able to talk to them at will, but every few days to a week I was able to talk to them in dreams, either by the cherry tree or their own environments. I've talked to each one of them at least once, and some of them I've visited a few times. The purple soul and I get along well—she usually was writing or reading. Her name is Olivia, but she lets me call her Olive.

I never forget Sans or Papyrus. They stick to my heart and mind like how a non-greased pan sticks to its food contents: impossible to get unstuck without damaging it. All the puzzles, jokes, cooking, and adventures have the greatest significance in my life. Every day I go through each memory, both happy and sad. I wonder how they are doing all the time. Sans hasn't been able to reach me for a few days now.

Suddenly, there's flashing red lights. I try to see if the other souls have the same sight in their containers. I can't see! The glass is covered in thick vines. They squeeze tighter. The glass started to crack before it shatters into tiny bits.

What is going on? Why is vegetation attacking? Am I fooliage for not knowing?

Then their name pops into my head.

Flowey. Flowey the Flower.

"What is happening? This is quite the twist." The glass must have been soundproof, for now I hear Olive's voice. Everyone's glass canisters were opened by force.

"Is everyone alright?" I look around and at them.

"Stressed as a gun fight. I'm just peachy." The yellow soul said. His name is Noah.

"Not a scratch. Who is this guy, and when can I take him out?" Austin, the orange soul, exclaimed.

"I'm fine. We must be patient before we attack, Tin-Tin." Molly the aqua soul sounded sweet, though I know her better than that.

"I would be better if I could get back to my own song and dance, but I'm okay." The blue soul, Rachel, is quite talented as a dancer.

"I have been better, but my wellness is not the question now. The brand new question is who will offer up information about who this is?" Olive is so smart.

"I think it is Flowey, We all remember him, do we not?" Groans erupt from everyone. "Well, that's probably him."

"What are we going to do?" Austin inquires of me. "Beat him up?"

"Be patient, Tin-Tin."

"Thank you, Molly. Well, weed better find some way to get out of here, but I grass we don't have a choice. Undill we figure something out, we'll have to stay here for some thyme." I remembered the time Sans and I went through the tall grass in Waterfall. I got a few laughs, but they mostly start to groan.

"Jess, we know you sincerely love puns, but could you not make so many?"

"I thought you guys would see them cumin." More groans and snickers.

"Howdy! It's me, your best friend, Flowey! But I guess you already knew that." He winks with his tongue sticking out. "How about a little reunion?"

"Hey, what's going on? I'm being—" Austin got sucked towards Flowey.

"Tin-Tin! Hold on!" Molly jumped out of what was left of the canister and floats in front of Flowey. Even though they seem like they'd be rivals, they're rather good to each other. She gets sucked up.

"See you on the flip side." With leaps and twirls, Rachel gracefully goes into Flowey.

"No! I refuse to go! I must stay here, for Jessey and—" Olive slowly begins to disappear.

"How does it feel to be the last ones?"

Noah just stares at me. "I want to shoot him."

"Okay,heh, heh, have fun with that one." Then all I can see is darkness. "Is anyonethere? Hello?"

But nobody came.    

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