{L x Reader} The Sweet Potato

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     Hmmm I have no idea why I went with L next but why not amiright??? Anyhow, thank you so much for the feedback on my Kaneki story! I really enjoyed writing that one and I had no idea people would ask for a part two! I'll try to write a part two as soon as possible! Anyway, I'll get started, enjoy!~


     "But... Mr. L," you sighed at the male in front of you. "That makes no sense how are we supposed to solve the unknown?" You rubbed your temples trying to figure out how you got yourself into this job in the first place. You looked at the documents in front of you with puzzled look as L scanned his computer screen, biting his thumb. 

"Anything is possible. Especially since I am L," he bluntly answered, "and you're my assistant." He finished.

"Just because I'm your assistant doesn't mean I'm as intelligent as you are Mr. L," you sighed and set the documents on the table. Your current case was... nothing. People began to die out of nowhere from sudden illnesses and L believed that it might've been another Death Note user. How that was possible? Who knows. Scratch that, only L knows. "In addition, if it is another Death Note user, we can't go out publicly or else he'll find our names." You looked worried for a second till he turned his chair facing you.

     "Then, we must come up for nickname for you, Y/n." He bit his thumb, legs sitting close to his chest. "Something clever you know? Like... Ms. P." He nodded to himself.

"Ms. P? Mr. L why must I be a letter too? And... What does P stand for exactly?" You tilted your head to the side, some of your h/c hair falling to your face.

"Potato." He answered quickly, admiring the nickname. "It suits you." You shot your head back and stared at him dumbfounded. H-How exactly does that suit me? "You look like one." He answered your thought. "A sweet potato in fact."

"..." You rolled some unimportant documents-your face flushed-and smacked him on the head with them. "I-I do not look like a potato!" You stormed out of his office and into the lobby, where you sat down quietly. "I can't believe him sometimes." You sighed in frustration. Your dream was to become a known detective, kind of like L was... Someone who could solve people's problems and see things in another perspective. But... when you wanted to become an assistant for some time, you were delighted that L had volunteered to help! He was so known and it was an honor for him to actually let himself get distracted with someone else following him around and asking questions. You'd never have thought how hard it would be to work with him... He had a weird sense of humor and always said what was on his mind, no matter how much offense the other person might take.

"Y/n!" You turned your head at the sound of your name. A small, short, and petite blonde girl was running towards you. Her curls bouncing as she made her way to you. She plopped on the couch you were sitting on and gave you a big hug. "Ah, you looked so depressed I just had to give you a hug." Nanako (Totally made up name) smiled at you sweetly as she huffed. "What's bothering you?" She asked. Nanako was a sweet girl who worked in the secret agent industry, she gave you a warm welcome on your first day and always made sure you weren't being pressured. "Is it that stupid L again? Gosh, I swear he gets weirder everyday!" She giggled at your smiley expression and ruffled your hair. "Sweetie, don't you listen to him! I don't know what he said to you this time but don't doubt your work ok?" She pat your back.

     "It-It wasn't about work Nanako..." You blushed slightly. "Am I attractive? Do I resemble a potato?" It slipped out of your mouth quickly.

"Of course you're attractive! You have the nicest eyes, and the softest hair! Your lips are always curled up into a smile, even on your toughest times!... Wait... He compared you to a potato??" Her nose scrunched up in disgust.

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