Chapter 11

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Ryanns *POV*

I woke up to the feeling that someone was holding me. I opened my eyes and looked down. Nash was underneath me. I'm literally on top of Nash. I lifted my head and saw we were on his bed. Everyone else was littered on the ground around us. I looked down and his arms were wrapped securely around my waist and out legs were tangled together. I looked back down at his face and his mouth was slightly apart and his hair was messy and cute. I smiled to myself. I wanted to get up but if I did he would wake up and I didn't want him too he just looked so cute. I layed my head back on his chest and quickly feel asleep.

Nash's *POV*

I felt this pressure on my chest and hair in my face. I brushed it out of my eyes and looked up. Ryann was asleep on my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her waist. I smiled to myself and laid back and closed my eyes. How could someone be so cute without even trying. I heard giggles coming from the floor. I looked down and there's Bailee and Kameron taking a video of us, why the hell is everyone filming us. I flipped them off and turned my head the other way and closed my eyes.


Once everyone woke up we made a fort on the floor. We dragged my mattress on the floor and I went in my bathroom and pulled extera comforters from the closet. Shawn went to make breakfast and Cameron and Taylor grabbed pillows from my living room. I came back into my room and dropped the blankets on my bed. Ryann wasn't there. "Where's Ryann?" I asked almost panicked. "Went to change and wash up, calm yo tits" Bailee said. "Oh.. don't have to be so rude." Bailee just shrugged. I scoffed and sat down.


The boys walked in with food and pillows with Ryann following behind. She had her hair into a messy pony tail and yoga tights with an Adidas sweatshirt. She looked hot scrubbing.

She sat down next to me and smiled "Hey.." "Hi"

Shawn put the food on the table and Taylor and Cameron dropped the pillows on all of us. "Can we watch Friends pllleasssee?" Ryann asks "Oh my god can we?!" Kam adds "I LOVEEEEDDD THAT SHOW PLEASE!" Cameron fucking screeches. "Alright!! Stop fucking yelling!!!!" I yell they all shutup and Ryann hugged me. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" "It's not big deal" I hug her back. Everyone settled on my bed. Ryann next to me, Taylor next to Kam, and Cameron, Bailee and Shawn all together. I turned on Netflix and pulled up Friends season 1. I put my arm around Ryanns waist and she snuggled into my chest. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I hid it as much as I could. I smiled and enjoyed the little moments.

Alright this is really short I just didn't have any motivation. I'll do different POV's next chapter. This is just a filler. alright gnight ily all


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