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When I'm in an empty room my eyes automatically search for you. Even if you're miles away. I have a silent shred of hope you'll appear. I tend to look in the shadows for glimpses of hope. Because that is where you find it. You don't find beauty in the plain light. It is something hidden in the darkness and it is up to you to go find it. What I don't understand is why people choose to find their hope and they sit there and hold it tight. And then minutes later they decide they want it free. They let it float away. They want it to move on. But they seem to have a feeling they will get that same hope someday and it will be ever lasting. Sometimes I wonder why didn't they keep it? Don't they want to have a life with something that promises that feeling of protection? Maybe it's because some people like the idea of when you suffer, it makes you stronger. And yes that is true. That is why the most fearless are the ones with the most fear. Because they are so afraid with everything that they already know how to deal with it. And they already know how they will pull through.

There is beauty in simplicity. In things that are just there but have that sudden quirk that makes them unconventionally beautiful. Maybe that is why so many little 'random' things are treasures. Because we all have a mountain. And we all have a different hight with a different scenery on top. With flowers that are always different between the few and they all have a certain specialness to them.

We all make decisions in life. And no matter how much you may not believe others are valid. Believe me dear they are. Because everything has a purpose. No matter if it is big or small. And we all have reasons. No matter how much you do not understand them.

You may never know the real reason as to why the birds choose north to fly when the weather is freezing. Why not east or west or south. Because if you go either way you'll still end up in that place you descend to. But the birds have chosen north, for reasons we may never know why. The thing is, you don't always have to know. Sometimes things are secrets for a reason. Do you think if you just told a child that the things they believe in are untrue, that it will make a benefit to further life? No only are you shattering the only hope the children has found a grip on but you are taking things away that can never be replaced. Children are allowed to pretend for a reason because in life if you never get the chance to have a fairytale and the whole possibility of something ever happening magical to you then what outlook will you have in your life? Will you look forward to your future days. Or rather you sit and remember that you will never have a possibility of ever getting something more an escape a world that at least releases the pain in some sort a way that isn't lethal that brings back the sparkle in your eyes. Because I think we all need a little more sparkle in this world. Whether it's big or small.

Sometimes we feel so small and we forget how big the world is, and how many things there are whether they are an ant or the Eiffel Tower. Do you ever wonder if ants crawl up the Eiffel Tower and see what it is like to be so big and tall? The look down and they can see the world bellow them and the fact that even though you can be big and on top, but when you are up there, there isn't anything to keep you some sort of company, you are completely alone. And that is why people remain small. And why we all have similarities along with differences. Because even though we must all not be the same. We also have a great need to be alike. Because when you have things in common is how you speak to either person. Because imagine if you were entirely different from everyone else and shared no entire interests or similarities to one another. How would you even come by to speak of some subject? Because my dear there is none.

And though there are things we people never really think about. There are strange reasons as to why they exist. And you don't have to understand. No one ever said you did. No one ever implied you had to know it all. Because what is there to life if you know every ounce of your being. Then what can you make out of that? Nothing precisely. And whether or not it is something you like. It is the world, darling.

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