Chapter One - It's All In The Black Pumps

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Natalia POV


I walked into the lobby of my father's company and was instantly thrown into a hug by Alina, who had been working for my father for as long as I could remember. She was a tall woman with a slender frame and long brown hair which was tied into a neat bun. She was in her early fifties but she could easily pass for ten years younger, with her flawless skin and sweet smile.

'Alina, Its good to see you, it's been a while,' I told her. I gently pulled away from her tight embrace.

She smiled at me and tucked my hair behind my ear. It was an almost motherly gesture. 'Just so grown up, I remember when you were a little girl,' she whispered. She was looking at me nostalgically, her red lips forming a fond smile.

'Is my father busy?' I asked, looking around the lobby.

 'Isn't he always, but for you I am sure that he will make some time. Go on up.'

'Thank-you, Alina.'

Alina gave me a sweet smile, returning to her large oak desk.

I made my way through the lobby towards the elevator.

My father owned this company as a front to protect himself against unnecessary government suspicion, a man making millions without any paperwork would have drawn the wrong attention, so my father legally owned many businesses and stores as a cover, and used them to host his more 'secretive' activities.  

This building held 'Cherkesov Industries' an international company which according to legal documents build and sold machinery and commercial items such as planes, but underneath all of that was a complex network of organised crime.My father was a smart man, despite being caught a few times, he had a mainly clean record contradictory to his very dirty career as the head of the largest Russian Mafia group in Chicago.   

I used to work with my father here, but I had quit two years ago, just after I had turned twenty-two. I had wanted to have a bigger part in his more 'undercover operations', but he had denied me the opportunity. After I quit, I had opened up a coffee shop in my father's name, which he used to conduct some of the deals that he couldn't do in his actual office. It was a good system, I liked the job I had now, but I had never forgotten that dream of being a bigger part in the undercover section of my father's business like my brothers were.  

I walked through the large lobby. Its atmosphere was warm and inviting, but was very professional. Over sized modern furniture and elegant fixtures were the centre point of the large lobby which was busting with people, all holding files or talking on cell phones. The atmosphere of the lobby was able to keep its calm even though its occupants were rushing through the room, busy attending to their jobs. I was appreciative of my preparedness to come to the meeting today, seeing as my outfit fit in perfectly with those around me.

I pressed the button and waited for the elevator. When it finally came I stepped into the box, its walls covered in mirrors. I pressed floor twelve and nervously awaited my arrival to the floor which hosted my father's office. I took a glance into one of the mirrors. My straight blonde hair fell just beneath my shoulder and was surprisingly neat considering the wind outside. I straightened up my black business skirt which was hugging my slender hips and made sure that my well fitting white button up was tucked in before straightening my jacket. I glanced at my baby blue eyes which were surrounded by a thin line of black eyeliner and wiped a smudge under the left eye. I was tall, so I didn't need to wear heels, but looking down at my stylish black pumps, I approved of my choice.

I felt confident, I felt powerful and I looked the part. I can do this. I needed to have a serious business talk with my father today and I desired for it to go well. I went over in my head how I wanted the situation to play out and was confident that I could do it when the elevator arrived at the floor.

I took one more glance at one of the mirrors before straightening my shoulders and stepping out of the safety of the elevator. The calming atmosphere of the lobby was gone and I was hit with the rush and panic of the office. There were people running around, all looking stressed and in a hurry. One woman in a grey pantsuit ran into me, she pushed her black glasses up the bridge of her nose and looked at me.

'Sorry miss-' she started before recognition hit her young face. The poor girl, who couldn't have been more than twenty, looked shocked. She straightened her shoulders and apologised.

'M-Miss Cherkesov, I am so very sorry.'  She looked guilty and so I decided to ease her of that guilt.

I was used to the fear and respect that my last name evoked, especially in people who had dealt personally with my father. If you didn't have respect and fear for him, then you were probably either dead or related to him. He was a tough man, but he was fair and loved his family more than anything else.

'It's alright, is my father in his office?' I asked the nervous looking girl.

'Y-Yes,' she stuttered out.

'Have a good day,' I told her as I began to walk towards the left side of the large room where I knew that my father would be.

'You too, Miss Cherkesov,' she called out before disappearing from my sight.

I walked past her and was faced with the large glass door, which held my father's office. He was sitting at his desk, a phone pressed tightly to his ear and an angry expression showing on his face. He saw me through the door and his irritated expression lifted, being replaced by a proud smile. He hung up the phone and waved me into the room. Here goes nothing, I thought as I opened up the door.

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