Chapter Two - The Family Buisness

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Nicolai's POV

'What do you mean they arrested him!' I yelled into the phone at my apparently incompetent employee.

'He-' the man started but I cut him off.

'Why do I have cops on my payroll when my own men get arrested!?' I couldn't keep the anger from my voice.

'Sir, I am sorry, there is a new cop, he keeps arresting our guys.'

Yes. I had heard about this new cop. A transfer from Baltimore PD, an apparent straight shooter who was impervious to bribes of any kind. The man was a good cop, and good cops are what land my people in prison.

'Do you want me to get rid of him?' my employee asked.

I wasn't going to trust an important task like this to him. He was apparently a buffoon, completely untrustworthy. 

'No, I will find someone else, who is actually able to do a job when I tell them to do something. Get Oleg out of prison. Now. That is your job, and if he is still in prison by tomorrow morning I will personally see to it that a bullet reaches your head. Got that?'

'Y-Yes sir.'

I looked up from my large desk to see my daughter standing at the door. I smiled at the beautiful girl who held a confident look on her face, yet I knew my daughter well enough to know that the smile she was harboring was not completely genuine.

'Good.' I hung up on the employee and motioned for Natalia to come into the room.

She faltered for a second, before confidently striding into the room, taking a seat opposite mine.She was dressed for business and she sat tall looking at me from across the wide desk.

'Kotyonok! To what do I owe the pleasure?'

Kotyonok is Russian for Kitten, a nickname she has had since birth. As not only my youngest child, but also my only daughter, she has always been special to me.

'Hello Papa, I just wanted to have a talk with you.'

The last time she 'just wanted to have a talk' she asked me if she could join her brother in a money laundering operation I had asked him to carry out. I didn't like the sound of this.

'What is it, Kotyonok?'

She looked down at her lap for a moment, and then she brought her ice blue eyes up to meet mine.

'I want to ask you for an opportunity.'

I looked at into her hopeful eyes, fearing what I guessed she wanted from me. 'You want to join your brothers again?'


That surprised me.

'I want my own tasks, my own missions. I want to be a part of the family business, Papa.'

She looked so much like her mother, Klara, in that moment. The determination and strength hiding behind her soft features reminded me of the woman that I tragically lost all those years ago. I saw my daughter in front of me and I wanted to say no. I wanted to refuse, but how could I refuse to give my daughter something she cares so passionately about. Her mother would have given her this opportunity, had she been there to raise her. Klara wanted her children to be strong and to be able to live their lives how they pleased, as long as they stayed a family. After her death I kept that true for the boys, but with Natalia, it was different. She was too young. Too fragile.

'I tried my best to keep you out of this life, Natalia.'

'I don't want to be kept out, Papa, I have been training for this. I don't want to sit on the side lines anymore, I want to help.'

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