Chapter Twenty - The Race

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Natalia’s POV

I stepped out of the building, a smile on my lips and a folder in my hand. There was a slight breeze which moved quickly in-between the tall buildings around me, my hair whipping around my face.  

My phone rang, and I hardly heard it over the loud sounds of the cars and people that I was currently in the midst of.

‘Hello?’ I smiled into the phone as I walked.

‘Natalia!’ Dominika’s voice came from the phone and I wondered what she was doing calling me when she was on her ‘date’ with Erik.

‘What’s up? Is your date over, it’s ok Papa said-’ At that point I was interrupted by my friend.

‘No, Nat- listen to me!’ she said and I could hear the fear and worry in her tone.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked her, I stopped waking at her tone. The man behind me connected with my shoulder when I stopped, pain spreading into my neck. I heard a muffled sorry as he walked by.

I stepped closer to the building I was next to, hoping to avoid the many people.

‘Erik…….call…….hit…….’ I could hardly hear her over the noise surrounding me.

‘Dominika! I can’t hear you!’ I pressed my free hand over my other ear to see if that would help, ‘what did you say?’

‘I said that,’ her voice was clearer now, ‘Erik just got a phone call and I think he said it was from ‘papa’ when he picked it up. He just ran out of here, saying something about a new hit.’

 ‘A new hit? 

‘Yeah, I thought that it was nothing, but he was making a call when he left and I heard him say your name.’

‘Did he say who the hit was on? Did he say where he was going?’ I panicked, why would he be talking about me and a new hit?

‘He asked me where San Lorenzo Ave was? Does that help?’

‘Oh God.’


My father had lied, he was going to get Erik to go after Dexter now, when he knew that I wouldn’t be able to get in the way. The feeling on betrayal from my own family seemed to close around my throat like a strong hand, causing me to gasp for air. My hand hovered over my heart as I tried to comprehend what my own father had done.

My father had lost his own wife, he had loved her with everything he had and then lost her. Of all people, I had assumed that he would value love and loyalty, but I was proven wrong by this. My own brother was going to kill the man I loved, my own father was willing to sacrifice my happiness to promote his own best interests. Who were these people?

‘Are you still there?’ Dominika asked, but I closed the phone, shoving it in my pocket.

I grabbed the file from under my arm and ripped the seal, only to pull out three blank sheets of paper.

A wave of anxiety and dread washed over me and I had to focus just to keep my balance. Throwing the pointless files onto the sidewalk I ran out into the street and got into the closest cab.


I sat in the back of the cab, my heart thumping in my chest and my foot nervously tapping against the floor.

‘Hi, You’ve reached Detective Wyatt, please leave your name and number and I’ll be sure to call you back.’

The beep sounded and I spoke quietly into the phone so that the cab driver wouldn’t hear anything I didn’t want him to.

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