Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Look Back

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Natalia’s POV

Waking up to an empty bed wasn’t something that I enjoyed. I loved the feeling of a warm body next to mine as I woke from a night of deep and restful sleep. I had grown used to the feeling of warm arms around my waist and warm breath against my neck. One of my favourite memories of being with Dexter these last few months were the unplanned quiet mornings in bed, warm and comforting arms wrapped around me as the world seemed to disappear.  

Rolling over and stretching my arm out, I noticed that I was in fact, waking to an empty bed. We had arrived at this room yesterday afternoon, and after our very emotional talk, we had fallen asleep. I was so glad that Dexter had forgiven me, and it felt like today was the first day of the rest of our lives together.

Groaning, I searched the room with my half open, sleepy eyes to find Dexter’s form but came up short.

‘Dex?’ I called out softly, but received no answer.

I gave up the comfort of the soft sheets in favour of getting out of the bed to find him. Walking out of the bedroom I entered the main room where I finally found him. Reading the paper at the small table, a coffee in his hand.

‘You left the room?’ I questioned, looking at the Starbucks cup in his hand.

‘Yeah, got us some bagels and coffees,’ he smiled, putting down the paper and handing me a coffee.

‘I said don’t leave the room,’ I told him, but my voice wasn’t blameful or angry, just slightly amused.

‘I was careful,’ he smiled, and I sat on the seat next to him.

‘So,’ he turned to me, ‘What are we going to do Natalia?’

He had only called me Natalia since yesterday afternoon, and I had to repress a smile every time my name flew rhythmically out of his mouth.

‘Dominika, my friend, and I have got it covered. We have contacts at the airport, who have secured a private plane for us.’

‘We are leaving the city?’ he asked, taking a sip of coffee.

‘We are leaving the country,’ He choked on his drink and my eyes widened as I watched him cough a few times before finally breathing normally again.

‘The country?’

‘It’s the only way to make sure that my father doesn’t find us, we have to start fresh in another country,’ His expression was hard to read and I felt fear slowly rising in my chest. ‘Are you having second thoughts about going with me?’

He looked shocked for a second, ‘No, no, nothing like that Natalia, I would follow you to the ends of the earth, I just, I am a police officer. It’s what I have always done, and the thought of leaving my job behind, it’s just sad.’

‘I get that,’ I said, linking our hands.

‘I always believed, from when I was a kid, that cops were amazing. They were the good guys, the ones who saved people and always did what was right, but now I am not that naive. I know that the police force is corrupt and as much as I want to fix that, I would rather spend my life with you than attempting to fix a broken system that doesn’t want to be fixed.’

‘You really don’t mind giving up your career for me?’

‘The police force isn’t what it used to be, and even if I went back there, your father or your brother or any one of Cherkesov’s men would find me and I would be killed anyway. I would much rather explore the world with the woman I love’ he squeezed my hand and the fear I had been harbouring vanished instantly. 

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