Chapter Eleven - New Record

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Natalia’s POV

I didn’t wait to hear her read my brother the rest of his rights, I just backed into the back room, silently being thank-full that they didn’t seem to see me. To them I worked in a bank and had nothing to do with the Cherkesov’s or their businesses. If they saw me here my cover would be blown that instant.

‘Natalia!’ Dominika came running into the room, ‘They are arresting Erik!’

‘Shh!’ I pulled her by her arm away from the door, ‘I know, the guy, that’s Dexter, I can’t go out there!’

‘Wow, that’s Dexter? He’s pretty cute!’

‘Dominika! Not the time! I’ll call Leo, you go make sure that Erik is ok,’ I instructed and she nodded.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Leo’s number as she went back into the café.

‘Hey Kitten, what’s up?’ he asked casually.

‘I’m at the Café, Dexter Wyatt and Bridgette Woods are arresting Erik for murder!’ I spoke quickly, keeping my voice hushed to be sure that Dexter wouldn’t be able to hear me.

‘They are what?! How did they even- you know what, don’t worry, let them take him and I will deal with it. Is your cover blown?’ he spoke fast but I could tell that he was trying to stay calm.

‘Ok, No, they didn’t see me.’

‘That’s one good thing I guess,’ he sighed.

‘Yeah, what’s going to happen with Erik?’ I panicked, if he is known by the police, how long will it be before they figure me out too?

‘Don’t worry Kitten, I’ll take care of it.’


‘I promise Kitten, just stay out of sight and make sure Dominika doesn’t attack them or anything.’

I laughed, knowing that was something Dominika would do. I could just imagine the brunette, waving her arms around and threatening to cut Dexter’s balls off.

‘I’ll try,’ I told him, mostly being truthful. She can be hard to control sometimes.

‘Ok Kitten, I’ll call you once I resolve this.’

‘Bye,’ he hung up and I was glad that my brother seemed to be confident that he could fix this. As much as Erik gets on my nerves, he is my brother and I still love him.

Dominika came back into the room, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers, something she only does when she is nervous.

‘They took him, Kitten!’

I wasn’t used to Dominika not being the strong one, so I was a bit unsure how to proceed. I placed my hand on her arm, ‘He will be fine, I’ve got Leo on it and he will get him out.’

She let out a breath, ‘Ok, good.’

‘Do you think Dexter saw me?’

She looked thoughtful before shaking her head, ‘No, I don’t think so, I think they thought I was the only employee here.’

‘Good,’ I sighed, that was important.

‘But if they know about him they could know about you.’

I thought about that, she was probably right, ‘I’ll go talk to Oleg, ask him to look into their database.’

‘Good idea, and call me when you know about Erik.’

‘I will,’ I assured her.


I knocked on Oleg’s apartment door, the heavy wood opening after a few moments to reveal Alexander, a game controller in his hand. He looked like he had just woken up, clad only in track pants, his hair a mess. He probably slept here, Oleg and he had been known to throw epic video game all-nighters.

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