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This is the last chapter! Thank-you for reading, your support means the world to me. Remember to drop a vote or comment, I would love to hear any comments about the book as a whole or it's ending. Much love x

Dominika’s POV

Standing in the apartment I had shared with Natalia, I couldn’t help but feel the loss.

This was the place where we would watch comedies, where we ordered bad take-out, where we could just be ourselves without the pressure from the rest of the world, especially her family.

Here, we were just two normal girls.

Since she had met Dexter she had been living in that little apartment, but when she could she would come back to the apartment we shared. We would laugh and it would seem like we were just as close as we had been.

Somehow, in the back of my mind I knew that we would end up like this. Natalia was never one to be distant, she got attached, she was drawn to those who needed her help and she never considered doing anything but the best she could.

I knew one day she would realise the lies she had been told and she wouldn’t stand for it. I wanted it so badly though, I wanted her to feel like she was equal to her brothers in her father’s eyes, because it was what she craved most, so I had encouraged her to go to her father to ask to become more involved.

She wanted to do it so badly, to be like her brothers. Only I could see that she would never be like her brothers and her father, and maybe that was a good thing.

My black heels were loud against the floor as I packed up the last box of her stuff. My black dress was tight against my skin, and I wished that I could change out of it, but I had to wear it.

Walking into my room I looked at the photo on the desk. Sitting down at the desk I fingered the photo carefully, smiling at the image.

Natalia and I were just children. I was much taller than her, my dark hair long and free, a smile on my face as I stood with my hand linked to the shorter girl beside me. Natalia’s long blonde hair was blowing in the wind as she smiled, a bright innocent smile.

My computer started making noises. I opened the laptop and answered the video chat.

‘Long time no see Nika,’ the girl smiled at me, the smile wasn’t as innocent as the girl in the photo, but it was the same girl, albeit older, but just as beautiful.

‘Good morning Natalia.’

The girl on the screen was sitting outside, on a beach, the waves and sand behind her as she sat on what looked like a deck chair. Her hair which was once blonde was now a dark brown, the strands cut just above her shoulders.

‘I see you’re enjoying life.’

‘Beach living does have its perks,’ she laughed, a happy, pure sound. Even though I missed her like crazy, to know that she was happy was enough for me.

‘I miss you Natalia.’

‘I miss you too, maybe one day you can come visit me?’ She asked hopefully.

‘Maybe Kitten,’ I smiled back, ‘Just so you know, the plan went perfectly, no-one but Bri and I know that you two are alive, and Bri only knows because she was instrumental to the plan, and don’t worry she won’t tell anyone the truth. The plane crash worked perfectly, the bodies were declared yours and Dexter’s, and engine failure was the official cause of the crash.’

‘You are a miracle worker Dominika, if it wasn’t for you I don’t know what would have happened,’ Natalia said, her expression dark for a moment before her smile returned, ‘How could I ever make it up to you?’

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