Chapter Five - Collateral Damage

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Natalia POV

Seven days.

I spent seven days studying Dexter Wyatt.

I decided that I wanted to do this right, I was going to find out all the information about my target before engaging.

I watched his every move for seven days, I found out his routine, his favourite things and the types of people he interacted with. I tried to sculpt my new personality around those that he regularly interacted with and the things that he liked.  

Dominika and I came up with a plan, and today I was going to implement it.


Thanks to some help from Oleg I was able to get his work schedule and I contacted one of Leo and Erik’s associates, Anatoly, to assist me in the plan.

I took a cab to downtown Chicago and was presumably walking from where I was dropped off to some shops when I ‘got lost’ and ended up in an alleyway.

I checked my watch. Right on time.

I dressed the part. I was wearing a black dress with a high neckline which ended around my knees and white heels to match my white purse. The whole outfit was a bit too professional than the ones I usually opted to wear, which usually consisted of tight short skirts and low cut tops, allowing me to show off my assets.

My hair was curled and down, as it seemed that Wyatt liked women with curly hair according to his list of previous girlfriends. My makeup was subtle and I applied some light lipstick as I walked around the corner.

If the security camera on the adjacent building saw me it would back up my story. I looked confused at some street signs before walking into the shadowed alleyway.

There was a door on one side of the building where I was expecting the door to burst open, but I still jumped when it did, just in case the camera could still see some of me. I then purposefully stepped where I knew that I wouldn’t be seen by the cameras.

Anatoly and an older guy walked out of the building, talking.

In a split second Anatoly had the guy pressed up against the wall, a gun to his head.

I knew the shot was coming but I still jumped, falling back into the wall next to me.

I knew he was going to kill him. This hit was ordered a few days ago, but I still felt bad, seeing the mans face go blank and the trail of blood that followed him falling to the floor, pooling around his head. He was collateral damage, and that made me feel bad, but this was my family on the line.

Anatoly gave me a nod before calmly walking back into the building, concealing his gun under his jacket as he walked through the door.

I waited ten seconds.

Then I screamed.

It was a pretty fake scream, but I had to make it look realistic so I took a deep breath before screaming again and running back into the crowded street.

A tall man, who was probably about thirty stopped next to me.

‘Miss? Miss! Are you alright?’ he panicked and I was instantly proud of my acting.

‘He just shot him! That guy in the alley!’ I sobbed out, falling into the man’s arms. My voice sounded truly American, and held none of my Russian quirks or pronunciation. I just hoped that it would hold up. 

‘Did he hurt you?’ Worry tainting the strangers voice.  

I shook my head into his chest and he held onto me, a few more people making a circle around us.

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