The altar that is her

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"And then I told him that I can't see him again". Aria was telling Mia in a whispering voice about their day.

Mia was staring at her. "He.. He insisted you drank from the trevi fountain  ? Don't you know what that means ?"

"Uh good luck or something ? It is just a fountain isn't it". She looked at Mia, feeling a bit stupid not knowing.

Mia shook her head. "If you drink from the trevi fountain with someone the legend says that you are bound to stay faithful to that person forever".

"What ? But.. But it is just a legend". She felt her inside knot up. Why had he insisted she drank with him ? Did he know the legend ?


"I have to see her again Ben. I just have to". Tom was pacing at the foot of Ben's bed, keeping him awake.

Ben sighed. "I warned you Tom. What did you expect ? That you could kiss her and she would give up her entire life to be with you ?"

"You are right. I should have done more than kiss her. I should have made it impossible for her to leave". He was wondering if he had gone to slow, should he had pushed her more ?

Ben rolled his eyes and groaned. "Tom for God's sake. For what ? So you can have your fun and when she is not new and interesting or she wants a commitment, you can throw her away and run of as always".

"I can't explain it Ben. It's like she draws me in. I thought spending a day with her would make me see her flaws, instead it made it worse. I need to have her". He looked at his friend.

Ben scratched his chin. "She kind of made it clear Tom, she don't wanna see you again and don't you forget one thing in all of this ? Your girlfriend ? What would she say to this".

"Urg you just had to bring her up didn't you ?" Tom was rubbing his neck, so he kind of had a girlfriend, so what ? It wasn't like she really meant anything to him.

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Yeah Tom, it is not something easily ignored or it shouldn't be. I thought you two were kind of serious ? Rumours say that you are shopping for engagement rings".

"And guess who started those rumours ? And no it wasn't me". Tom was groaning.

Ben just shook his head. "Well you need to sort that out Tom. But go to bed please, I for one would actually like to sleep, maybe you see things more clearly tomorrow".


They were getting ready to sing at the morning service in the old church. It had been two days since she told Tom she couldn't see him again. But now she saw him, as he was standing to the side in the shadows watching her.

Aria felt dizzy and her stomach hurt. Why couldn't he just stay away ? She already felt really bad for what she had done and seeing him only made it worse.

"You look ill Aria, are you okay ?" Sister Pavlova was looking at her with concern.

Aria is holding onto Mias arm, steadying herself. "Actually I feel kind of sick. Is it possible that I can go lie down ?"

Corrupting an angel (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now