Making daddy proud

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"Tom ? Tom please, don't be dead, you can't be dead". She was feeling like her heart has been ripped from her chest. She didn't think she could live if he was dead.

The bullet hit him in the left side of the chest, and she knew what that meant. He was probably long gone already. She was crying so much she nearly couldn't breathe.

"Get your lazy ass of the floor Hiddles, you are scaring the poor girl". Ben was nudging him with his foot, looking rather impatien.

Aria looked at him rather confused, about to tell him to leave Tom alone, but then Tom started to cough and breathed in deeply.

He sat up slowly, his chest hurt like hell. "Relax will you, do you know how fucking much it hurts to get shot ?"

"Well, actually yes, and you don't see me on the floor crying about it". He realised that Ben was cradling his shoulder, and there was blood down his shirt.

He jumped up, catching his breath from the pain, hurrying over to Ben. "Fuck Ben, he got you. How bad is it ?"

"I think it went clean through the shoulder, but I better get it looked at". He said, pulling a face.

Aria was clearing her throat and he turned towards her. "How are you not dead Tom ?"

He pulled off his shirt, revealing a bulletproof vest underneath. He was happy Tommy didn't go for his head. "I was told it would be dangerous, so I thought I better be safe".

"Fuck Tom you scared me so much, I thought you were dead". She threw herself at him hugging him tightly. It made him whimper, it really did hurt.

He kissed her softly. They could hear voices outside, Ben glanced down. "I am sorry to tell you, but your fiancee is dead".

"I am not, thank you so much Ben, you saved me from a fate worse than death". She smiled at him. Tom was happy that the creep was gone for good.

Tom was looking at her. "Come with me darling, please I love you and I can't be without you".

"I can't Tom, my father would kill you. You need to go now, before you are found". She tried to push him towards the door, but he wouldn't go.

The door opened and Tony stepped in with his gun raised. Tom sighed and tried to pull her out of the way, but she put a hand on his shoulder. "Relax Tom, Tony won't hurt me".

"Are you alright little one ? What happened ?" He looked at her, eyeing Tom and Ben suspiciously.

She stepped forward. "Tommy came here to rape me. Tom and Ben tried to protect me, and he shot them, in the struggle he slipped and fell".

"I never liked that boy, he always looked at you funny. But your friends are in trouble, your father is on his way". Tony said.

"Please Tony, get them out. It would mean the world to me to get them out safe". She looked at him pleading.

Tony nodded and opened the door. "I will do it for you Aria, this way gentlemen and fast".

"Go with Tony, he will get you out safely. You can trust him. Goodbye Tom". She grabbed him and kissed him gently.

He shook his head. "This is not goodbye my angel. I will be back to pick you up. I am not letting you go".

"That one is so stubborn you should think he was italian". Tony mumbled leading the way.

When they were gone Aria threw herself on the bed, waiting for her father to arrive. She didn't have to wait for long.

"What happened Aria ? Why is Tommy lying dead below your balcony ?" Her father barged in with a couple of his goons.

She sat up looking at him. "Because he came in here, trying to rape me and I pushed him".

"That's my girl, your father is proud. I will take care of it". He smiled at her and left the room.

Aria shook her head. Leave it to daddy to be proud of her for killing someone, even though she was happy he was dead and kind of wished she had done it.

"Thank you Tony". Ben smiled at the big man, as he lead them out to the road, without him they would have never gotten out.

Tony shook his head. "I did it for Aria. She is a good girl and she clearly loves that skinny english bastard. But don't come back, for your own sake".

"Can't promise you that, sorry. But that is the love of my life in there, and I am not giving up on her". Tom said shaking Tony's hand.

Tony shook his head again, looking at Benedict. "He really is exceptionally stubborn that one, or just really stupid".

"Yeah your right, unfortunately for his own good he is". Ben answered with a smirk, getting a glare from Tom in return.

They left, walking briskly to the rented car. Then driving to the nearest city, to find a hospital and a place to stay for the night.

Ben was watching Tom as he drove, they only just escaped with their lives tonight, but he know that nothing will keep Tom from going back. He really is to stubborn for his own good.

Corrupting an angel (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now