The wedding

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He was standing at the altar, that had been sat up out in the big beautiful garden. He was fiddling with his hands, to keep from pacing back and forth, a part of him wanted to run away.

Then the music started and first Ben came walking with his sister Emma on his arm, both smiling reassuringly at him, then Arias brother who led Ben's wife Sophie by the arm and last came Luke with Aria's cousin.

He was breathing, deeply in and out, trying to calm himself. The he looked at his mother, she was already crying, he knew she had been waiting for this day forever.

"Are you okay Tom ?" Ben whispered as he took his place next to him and Tom nodded.

Then the music changed and first came a little girl spreading flower petals and then Aria came into view on her father's arm, when he looked at her all fear and panic vanished.

She looked so very beautiful in a very tight fitted beaded lace gown. It was much more sexy than he had expected, with a low cut neckline, it had kind of a cape around her shoulders giving a train effect.

Why had he been scared ? This amazingly beautiful woman loved him and bore his child, and she was going to be his forever.

Aria couldn't help smile when she saw Tom. Her heart fluttered, he looked so very handsome standing there in his tux smiling at her, and she felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

As her father handed her over to Tom, he lifted her hand to his lips, whispering gently. "You look like the most beautiful angel my love".

She had a hard time not to cry during the very beautiful ceremony and she saw Tom had misty eyes as well.

It was like a fairy-tale when he kissed her softly, now she was really his wife, and they would be together forever.

She couldn't stop smiling, Tom had his arm around her waist and everyone came over congratulating them.

"I hadn't expected such a sexy dress darling, but damn I can't wait to get it of you tonight". He whispered in her ear, making her blush.

She turned her head to kiss him. "You look very sexy too and I can't wait for tonight, unfortunately we have a long evening in front of us".

They had a wonderful dinner, but she couldn't eat very much, her stomach so filled with love and happiness, and she kept looking at Tom, thinking this is really my husband, this beautiful and perfect man is mine.

"Will you do me the honour of the first dance Mrs Hiddleston ?" Tom bowed to her with a smile, offering her his arm.

She smiled and happily accepted. "Of course Mr Hiddleston, it would be my greatest honour".

She danced most of the evening, mostly with Tom whom she realised was an amazing dancer, but she also danced with her father, Tony, Ben and Luke and she had so much fun.

"Is everyone ready ?" She asked, standing on the stairs up to the house, getting ready to throw her bouquet.

All the unmarried women at the party was pushing and bustling to get the best spot for catching it, and she turned around and threw it as hard as she could.

There was total silence, and she turned around confused as she heard both Ben and Tom break down laughing and Tom said. "Good catch Luke, but you know it is supposed to be woman only right ?"

Then everyone was laughing, including Aria and Luke blushed violently, he had been standing behind the throng of women and apparently she had thrown so hard that it landed right in his arms.

"Are you ready to go my beautiful wife ?" Tom said smiling at her and she nodded, a bit teary eyed after saying goodbye to her father and Tony.

They were spending the night at the hotel, the next day they would say goodbye to Tom's family and friends and then they would head to Rome for the next month to finish the movie.

But right now it was time for her wedding night and she felt her heart flutter and her pulse quicken as she got into the car.

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