Not single for long

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"No it isn't Luke, she thinks I am engaged and probably that I just fucked Lucy". He was devastated at how betrayed she had to be feeling.

Luke pointed to Lucy. "But you are engaged Tom, we are sending out the official notification later today".

"Now you listen to me for once Luke. I am saying no and putting my foot down. I am done with this, get it ? Change that press release to tell that we have broken up and get Lucy shipped back home or I swear to God I will fire you". He shouted.

Luke was about to say something, but then he just nodded. He was smart enough to see that Tom was serious and wouldn't budge on this.

"You can't do that Tommy boy, I am not done with you". Lucy shrieked and grabbed his arm.

Tom pulled free from her grasp. "Don't call me that Lucy, and I am done with you. Go home to your lover, whichever one of them you prefer, and no Ben is not interested in taking my place, he is way too smart to go there".

He saw Ben snickering and send him a somewhat proud smile, before he runs out the door to find Aria.

Tom wasn't as stupid as Lucy seemed to think, of course he know that she had other men, and he had seen the way she has been eyeing Ben since she arrived the day before.

She had to be going back towards the convent, but he didn't know if she was walking or if she had taken a taxi, so he got into a taxi. If she was walking he would be there waiting when she got back.

He needed to get to her, to explain. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her and he didn't care about the trouble it might cause him.

As he reaches the church and convent he didn't know what to do. He didn't know if she had arrived back or if she is out somewhere in the city and he couldn't exactly just knock on the door and ask for her.

He was pacing outside the convent wall, when he with certainty heard her voice, and without thinking, he was climbing the 8 foot wall, luckily it was overgrown with ivy, giving him something to grab onto.

Aria had run for a while, but then got a taxi back. She was now walking around the little convent garden with Mia and Sabina, trying to forget the sight of that woman touching Tom.

"He is engaged to her ? I actually thought they had broken up since he was here without her. I am so sorry Aria". Mia said.

She shook her head. "I should have known, he is a man after all. At least now I know I have made the right choice".

At that moment they heard some commotion from the wall, and Tom dropped down next to them, cursing as he stumbled and then putting his hand over his mouth.

"Tom ? What on earth are you doing here ? You can't be here and I don't wanna talk to you". Aria said, looking around frightened.

"Well, we are going to talk, but first". He grabbed her and kissed her greedily, making Mia and Sabina gasp.

She was trying to catch her breath and Tom looked at the two younger girls. "Would you please excuse us ? I would like to speak privately with Aria".

"Of course, and I will try to make sure no one else is going out here". Mia said with a smile, and dragged Sabina with her inside.

"So do your fiance know you are here ?" She looked up at him. It hurt to look at him.

He cupped her chin in his large hand and looked into her eyes. "She is not my fiance. She was my girlfriend but it wasn't real. Do you understand ? I never had any feelings for her, it was just a cover".

"I think so Tom, but what was she doing in your room then and why did she say that she is your fiance ?" She was biting down on her lip.

His thumb graced her cheek. "She slept in my bed, but I slept on the couch. I was only in there to get my clothes. We were supposed to get engaged, and they tried to push me, but I have called it all of. It will be official later today that we have broken up".

"Oh so you are single, for real ?" She asked, feeling the butterflies erupt in her stomach.

He leaned down, kissing her lips softly, then he looked into her eyes. It felt like he was staring into her soul. "Not for long I hope".

"I.. I don't know Tom, what would you want me do ? I have nowhere else to go. I can't just leave the convent". Oh, she would love to just be with him, but that was not how the world worked.

He pulled her into him. "We will work that out darling. I promise you that, and I promise I won't let you down".

The butterflies was now doing a jitterbug or something like it and she was pressing herself into him.

"Darling, do people often come out in this garden ?" He was kissing her neck, whispering into her ear.

She knew what he wanted, and she should tell him no, but she just couldn't say no to him. She was totally in his power. "No almost only very early or in the evening".

"That is good, because I believe they would get a very naughty show if they did". He pressed her against the wall, kissing her deeply.

He pulled down her panties, before hoisting her up, and she folded her legs around his hips, as he was kissing and biting down her neck.

She had one hand laced in his hair and one entwined in the ivy on the wall, as he used one hand to open his pants and pull out his hard erection.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a little scream, as he buried himself balls deep in her. Stopping for at second for her to adjust to him, before starting to move.

He was ravaging her neck and shoulder, while thrusting into her again and again. She was moaning, throwing her head back and he found her breast, holding her in place with one hand.

They were so caught up in one another, that they didn't see Sabina watching them, an angry look on her face.

"Cum for me my angel". He whispered in her ear, and she felt herself come undone, crying out his name, holding onto him like a drowning man would hold on to a buoy.

And he cum with her, chanting her name like a prayer, then he just held her close, whispering against her neck. "I love you my angel".

Corrupting an angel (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now