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"Welcome to our home". Tom said smiling and swept Aria up into his arms, carrying her inside the house bridal style. He sat her gently down in the hallway, going back outside to get their suitcases.

It was one month later and they had just arrived in London after Tom had finished up the movie in Rome.

She was happy to finally be home.. their home and not a hotel. "This is wonderful Tom".

"I know it is not what you are used to, but I hope you can get used to it". He puts his arms around her, resting them on her stomach.

She looked up at him, smiling lovingly. "It doesn't matter at all love, I could happily live in a small shack as long as I have you".

"I truly love you Aria and I can't wait for the baby to come". He kissed her lovingly.

She sighed, sure that she had made the right choice when she let him kiss her back then, only about two months ago. "I love you to Tom, with all my heart".

Now they just had to find out how his fans would take the news of his marriage when they told the world.

Corrupting an angel (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now