Luke in action

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"What the fuck Ben, you called Luke on me ?" Tom was furious with him as Luke had just shown up at the hotel.

Ben was sitting on the couch, looking at the floor. He was looking somewhat embarrassed. "Sorry Tom, but I just think you are acting really stupid right now and I didn't know what else to do".

"Leave Ben alone Tom, he did the right thing. What on earth do you think you are you doing ?" Luke was standing in front of him, his arms crossed.

Tom shot Ben an angry glare, then looked at Luke. "I am living my life. I am not a puppet to be controlled Luke. I am a human being, even though you don't seem to realise".

"How old is she ? Ben told me she is very young. Are we talking full on scandal or just whispers in the corners young ?" Luke was looking at him sternly.

Tom rolled his eyes, sometime he felt like a kid, without a say in his own life. "She is 22 okay, I don't know which category that is and I don't care".

"That is bordering scandal, for God's sake Tom, and she is a nun on top of it. Fuck this could go really bad". Luke was pacing the floor now.

"Why is it anyone else's business ?" Tom grumbles.

Luke stopped in his track. "Because you chose a life in the limelight. A fucking nu Tom, really ? There probably isn't a law against it. I hope there isn't, but I am pretty sure you are not going to be very popular in Italy if this comes out".

"She is not a nun, not yet and if I have a say never". Tom said, he was glaring at Luke now. He knew Luke only had his best interest at heart, they just didn't always agree on what that was.

Luke rubbed his face. "You want to stop her from being a nun ? And what then Tom ? Leave her in disgrace when you go back home ? Or are you going to marry her when her family disowns her ? Are you just thinking with you dick again ?"

"I don't know Luke, okay ? I haven't thought about that, I just.. She just.. I don't know, I just can't stay away from her". He knew he was pouting now.

Luke shook his head. "That is the problem Tom, you forget to think ahead. You forget about consequences, and what about Lucy ?"

"Well what about Lucy Luke, what about her ?" Now Tom was the one pacing the floor.

Luke sighed. "You were supposed to get engaged when you got back Tom, remember ? Or have you forgot you have a girlfriend".

"No, I have a fucking accessory that you have bought, so why don't you go marry her". Tom's voice was getting close to yelling now.

Ben looked like he was opting whether to leave as Lukes voice was getting rather loud too. "I never said you actually had to marry her, did I ? But you was in on this from the beginning Tom".

"Well, sometimes things changes and Lucy don't seem to get that it is not real". Tom was yelling now, the vein in his neck bulging.

But Luke was not backing down. "Well, maybe if you hadn't fucked her, it might have been easier to keep it professional, but as usual you were thinking with the wrong head".

Tom groaned, Luke was right this time. It had been a mistake, it has just been so much easier, and he had thought that maybe it could evolve into something real.

"And by the way I talked to Lucy, she is flying down here. She should be her later tonight. We are pushing up the engagement, a surprise visit in Rome seams like a great occasion". Luke said

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