Making the calls

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"Oh God finally Tom, are you even realising how nervous I have been ?" Ben's voice sounded after a single ring.

Tom had an idea, Ben was very good at being worried. "Relax, it went well. I was a whole second away from getting my brains blown out".

"Sounds very reassuring, but what now ?" Ben asked and Tom thought he could give him the whole story when they were face to face.

What would Ben say to the news ? "Well we have a wedding to plan Ben, her father have given his permission".

"A wedding ? You married ? Oh God Luke is going to blow something, are you sure Tom ? Have you really thought this through ?" Ben sounded nervous.

Tom sighed, he knew he would get that reaction a lot. People just would have to see that he was changed, he had just needed to meet the right woman.

"Yes Ben, and it is not like I have so much of a choice. I am going to be a father, I need to do the right thing". He scratched his neck, it is still a bit much.

Ben gasps out loud. "For the love of whatever, Tom why on earth wouldn't you make sure that didn't happen ? Oh shit don't call Luke, he will have a fucking heart attack".

"Well, he just have to deal with it. I am not a kid. I am old enough, and I know she is the one Ben. I just know it". He is starting to feel stubborn.

Ben sighed. "Congratulations Tom. I hope you are right. I hope you are going to be happy. I hope you are both going into this with your eyes open, it is going to be a big change for both of you".

"I know, and I know it ain't all gonna be easy, but we can do it. I know it, see you later Ben, I need to call Luke and my mother". He hung up.

Next he called his mother, at least he was sure she would be happy. She wanted him to settle down. "Mom hi, I have big news for you".

"Well, hi Thomas, I heard you broke it of with that woman Lucy. Honestly I am so happy to hear that, she wasn't right for you". His mother said, but Tom already knew she felt like that.

He breathed in deeply, suddenly nervous about telling her. "Mom, you need to get the familie and come to Sicily. I am getting married and I am going to be a father".

"Oh God Thomas, really, finally. I am so happy my boy.... It is not Lucy is it ?" His mother said, he could hear she was tearing up.

He chuckled, his mother would love Aria, even though she might think she is a bit young. "No mother, her name is Aria. I met her in Rome and she is an angel".

"I can't wait to meet her Thomas. I know she must be something special, I see who can come and get back to you, okay ?" His mother said.

He smiled happily. "Thank you mother, just let me know how many and I will take care of tickets and hotels. Talk to you soon mom".

The last call was going to be the worst. Luke wa definitely going to flip. It would be a nightmare for him, everyone would be able to see he was with Aria when he was supposed to be with Lucy.

"Yes Tom, please tell me that it is not more trouble ?" Luke picked up, sounding a bit tired.

Tom cleared his throat, not knowing where to start. "You better get back here Luke, or actually to Sicily, and you better bring my lawyer".

"Oh God Tom, what ? Are you in trouble with the law ?" Luke was sounding like he was about to get a heart attack.

Tom rolled his eyes. "No Luke, the mafia actually, or Aria's dad to be truthful. Ben got himself shot, but he is okay, just the shoulder".

"For fucks sake Tom. I told you that girl would bring you trouble. I am happy Ben is not my problem, but at least that means you are done with this stupidity, right ?" Luke said.

Tom couldn't help chuckling. "Uhh sorry Luke, but I am about to marry her. That's why I need you here".

"Tom no, stop ! You can't, everyone will know you moved on before you and Lucy where over, and she is so young too. This will look so bad Tom". Luke was talking very fast now.

Tom shrugged, mostly to himself. "Well you might be right but it would look at lot worse not marrying her. Luke, she is pregnant, I am going to be a father".

When Luke didn't answer Tom was worried that Luke might actually have had a heart attack.

"Shit, you are killing me here Tom, literally. This is going to be hell. I hope you know what you are doing. This will be hard, so very hard, and just love won't be enough to get you through". Luke said.

Tom groaned, he was 35 years old not 20. He was a grown man. He knows this would take work and commitment, but he knew they would be able to do this. "Just do what you need and get here Luke".

"See you soon Tom, and please stay out of trouble". Luke sighed and hung up, Tom breathed in deeply, at least that part was done now.

Corrupting an angel (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now