Payback's A Bitch

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“What do you mean by I’m attending your school?!” I literally screech, thinking back to last night and how being near him makes me feel like I’m going to flop to the floor like jelly if I don’t get closer to him. Imagine what that would be like in school.

“Exactly what it says on the tin,” he smirks, “I’m your protection.”

I raise an eyebrow, “From what?”

“I must protect the future alpha during the change from any harm that may inflict him or harm that he inflicts,” he recites as if reading it from memory.

“How would I inflict harm?” I ask, both eyebrows arched.

“You tend to be more aggressive and capable of things during the change,” he gives me a knowing smile, “Hence, I’ve to protect you.”

“Did your pack put you up to this?”

“More or less... But apparently you’re not meant to know who I am, guess I ruined that.” He steps towards me. I step back and wave my hands in front of me.

“Keep your distance,” I tell him firmly. He sighs.

“You know that won’t be much use. You’ll tire eventually.”

I jut out my chin defensively, “I will not.” He shrugs.

“Suit yourself,” he motions in front of me, “Lead the way oh powerful alpha.”

“You’re an arrogant ass,” I grumble and walk in front of him.

“Well you’re stuck with me.”

We’re silent for the walk there, although I want to ask him a shitload of questions. But my pride gets in my way and doesn’t let me speak a word in my childish grudge with my mate. That word sounds so weird. But even now when he’s walking behind me I can feel the pull that I want to be closer. I fight that pull though and continue walking. When the daunting view of the school comes into view I stop. No doubt that the team would be back to themselves again. Sam pulls up beside me.

“What’s wrong?”

I shake my head, “You’re going to be in for a lot of abuse if you’re going to associate yourself with me.”

He pulls a confused expression but doesn’t bombard me with questions, “It looks like a prison.”

“Don’t all schools?” I ask him. He shrugs.

“I don’t know, I’ve never been to one.”

I look at him, mouth agape. “What do you mean you’ve never been to one?”

“Homeschooled. Or rather you should say wood schooled. Your grandmother gave me lessons in the woods everyday.”

“Buddy, it’s a whole load different,” I say with a heavy heart and lead the way in. Once in the door everyone looks. At me or at Sam I do not know. All that I know is that they looked shocked. That same group of girls look and giggle as Sam and I look in their direction. Giggling irritates me. If I ever giggle, shoot me.

“There are so many stories about you I’m hearing,” Sam whispers in my ear.

“Such as?” I ask, with an arched eyebrow.

“Such as you had an operation to make you look like a Greek God,” he pulls a face, “What does that mean?”

“They mean nothing,” I brush it off and question him, “How did you hear them?”

He taps the side of his nose. I frown. “Cunt,” I mumble.

“You’ll figure it out later,” he chuckles. Yeah, sure I will. Note the sarcasm. By the time Sam gets his time table, no shock that he’s in all my classes, and his locker, which is beside mine – whoop-di-freaking-do, the first class has finished and we’re immediately onto P.E, which is in my opinion the worst subject in the school. Seeing as I have the stamina of a baked potato I have always failed gym. I look at Sam who is placing all his books in his locker and think about how he is definitely going to excel in this subject.

“What’s P.E?” he asks me, gym bag lugged over his shoulder.

“Physical Education,” I tell him dryly and open the doors to the changing room. Half of the guys are already naked. I mean, seriously, either put on some clothes or cover it up with a towel. I, for one, do not want to see any man junk. I cast a look at Sam... Except his. What am I saying?! I shake my head as Sam gives me a funny look. I smile at him reassuringly.

“Lads we have faggots!” Caleb’s voice erupts. Just what I needed. I bite my lip and take off my shirt, severely self conscious. Not sure why seeing as I have the physique of an athlete swimmer... But holy shit. My eyes grow wide as Sam, in one fluid motion, takes off his own shirt. If I thought I had I gifted physique I should think again. I rip my gaze away from his chest and abs before I start salivating. What is wrong with me?

Someone’s meaty hand smacks against my shoulder, turning me around and I get a face full of Caleb.

“I have personal space... You’re in it,” I manage to tell him. Caleb cocks his head to the side, then looks at Sam who looks as if he’s ready to pounce at any sign of danger on my behalf.

“A lot of rumours going around about you, Betty,” he tells me. Betty. My nickname around the school. In my freshman year with lack of frame and longer hair, the homeroom teacher thought I was a girl called Betty... for the whole year. The name stuck. I stay silent.

“The newest one being you and this guy are boning each other,” Caleb grins, “And you know I don’t tolerate fags.”

Sam’s eyes flash red. I’m serious when I say that. He steps in between Caleb and I, staring Caleb down in his intimidating way.

“What you tolerate isn’t of interest to us.”

Caleb barks out a laugh, “At least now I know who’s pitching and who’s catching.”

Laughs go out around the room. Imbeciles. Caleb looks back at me.

“I will end you, Betty.”

I gulp. Sam fumes. “I’m hard to get through; sure you want to do that?” Sam asks him innocently.

This is interrupted by coach screaming at us to get out on the court and I breathe a sigh of relief. Caleb flashes us an evil look that is basically an omen. The guys go out, leaving Sam and I.

“Oh Jesus.” I let out a shaky breath. Sam puts his arms around me and that bathing in haven feeling? Yeah that comes back.

“They’re not going to hurt you.”

I push myself away from him before I go red and finish getting changed. When we get out on the court we are informed that we are playing dodge ball. The most pain inflicted game known to man. I whimper behind Sam as the coach divides the teams. Hellishly unlucky the majority of the Jett hating religion are on that team. The whistle blows and the game begins. I don’t run to grab a ball, I run away from them, behind the wall that is Sam. Just as I thought, the opposing team have me as their number one target and throw everything and anything at me. I yelp and dodge as much as I can. But I soon realise that not as many balls are being aimed at me as there should. I see Sam catching the ones that were aimed at me and throwing them back at full strength, knocking over two of the jocks.

I just stand there, letting Sam catch them all. He’s a ninja. I’m sure of it. Soon enough the only players left on the two teams are Sam and I and Caleb on the opposing. Caleb smirks at Sam, bouncing one of the balls. Ah I see. Physiological warfare. With a whoosh Caleb throws and it arches over Sam’s head and directly into my arms. I look down in at the ball in shock. Then I smirk. I bring my arm up and fling the ball with full force. It’s like slow motion as it propels into Caleb’s chest and makes him fly backwards onto his arse. Sam laughs beside me and I give a little chuckle.

Paybacks a bitch.


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[DISCONTINUED] My Mate Is A Guy?! BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now