Silver Bullets

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Benjamin looked at Jett beside him in the car, the very light of the moon was laminating his sharp features. Benjamin gripped the wheel furthermore and sighed.

“You look so much like your mother.”

Jett peered at him with the same curious expression that Lorna sometimes wore. Benjamin returned his attention to the road ahead of him.

“Did Sam kill mom?” Jett’s voice came out slightly breathless, as though he was afraid of the answer.

“No one was there that night. You were with me, Lidley and Lorna with you. Nobody knows...” Benjamin hedged the answer. Jett stared at the side of his face with his piercing eyes.

“Do you think he killed them?”

Benjamin smiled and looked at Jett, shaking his head. “No. Not in the slightest. Sam was a good kid. He still is now. I’m glad your mates with him.”

Jett blinked in surprise, “you’re not pissed off?”

“What? That my alpha son is gay?” Benjamin questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m not gay!” Jett said and swatted Benjamin’s arm with what he thought was a light gesture. Benjamin swerved the car slightly.

“Woe, not so hard Mr. Big-bad-wolf. Us in the lower ranks aren’t as gifted.”

Jett’s eyes grew wide, “really?”

Benjamin nodded, “Really. Alpha’s have enhanced strength and hold control over all members of the pack.”

Jett nodded his head, smirking and flexing his muscles in a playful matter. “Oh yeah...”

Benjamin chuckled but soon grew quiet as the pulled up outside of Caleb’s house. Jett took a deep breath.

“How’re we gonna do this?”

Benjamin gulped, “I was thinking we could feign that he fell off of the roof and broke his neck.”

Jett nodded, understanding. They had to stage it perfectly so that it didn’t seem like... a murder. A cold blooded murder.

“I’ll get him out,” Benjamin announced in the silence, “you keep watch from here.”

Jett nodded and watched his father get out of the car and lift Caleb from the backseat into a bridal position in his arms. Benjamin jogged to the house and quickly calculated where the body would have dropped if it had of fallen off of the roof. Moments later the house lit up and cops jumped out of the bushes, poised with guns pointed at Benjamin.

“Gently put the body down and put your hands where we can see them!” one cop with a booming voice shouts.

“Fuck me,” Benjamin muttered to himself and gently put down Caleb as instructed. As he put his hands in the air the cops swarmed at him, pinning his hands together behind his back. Benjamin did not put up a fight, smelling werewolf in the air. One of them would be sure to have silver bullets in that contraption they called a gun. That’d surely harm him and he wouldn’t have a chance to find some form of escape.

Three of the cops shoved him forward so he stumbled. Benjamin looked straight ahead of him to see Jett poised to get out of the car. Benjamin shook his head forcefully, trying to project get the hell out of here to Jett. Jett immediately sensed it and revved up the car and got the hell out of there.

But not before several of the cops noticed his escaping. Benjamin cursed under his breath again as several of the cops piled into their cars and drove after him. Hopefully his son had enough sense to leave that house before the cops found him. Not all of them were cops. Either that or they had a tip off... Benjamin’s eyes grew wide.

Serena. Benjamin remembers something about her being connected with the police force through her family.

Benjamin let them take him to the cop car without a word of protest. What was the point? If Serena had something to do with it there would be no point in reasoning. They would have already made their choice about him before the courts even had the time to be contacted. 

There was a single cop sitting in front of Benjamin as he drove.

“Y’know my sister warned me about you,” the cop started the conversation lightly, flicking his eyes in the rear view mirror to look at Benjamin with taunting eyes. “She said that you would try to come back with the body.”

“So you know I didn’t kill him?” Benjamin’s voice was hard.

“Do I know? Of course I do. The other guys don’t. And it’s my job to make sure they continue thinking that you’re guilty.”

“Why? You don’t know me.”

“You left that god forsaken pack. That forced Serena to join it. You’re fault that I can’t see my sister without there being some form of law against it,” the cop’s voice was gruff and filled with anger.

Benjamin sighed and relaxed back in the seat, with his eyes closed, “what’s your name?”

“What’s it to you?” he responded harshly.

“Oh nothing,” Benjamin snuggled his shoulders into the seat, “I just want to know the name of the man I’m going to kill.”


Sorry for the long wait and yes you guessed it, another long authors note! WOW. SHOCKER.

1) The story that copied this was deleted! The writer wasn't pleased but it was deleted! Can we get a yippee? 

2) I have to warn you that for the next month or so (well to be precise until the 16th of June) my uploads on ALL stories are going to be slow. I have my exams in a few weeks on they finish on the 16th. Not gonna lie, I'm bricking it. So I apologize in advance. 

3) Thank you for your condolences on the death of my family member, actually made me feel a bit better that someone cared. 

4) For all those who guessed my age and guessed 17, well you are incorrect. I'm 15. Jesus, do I sound or look 17? That's awesome >:D I could get into 16+ movies with this power! Wait... I already do... oh...

5) Song inspired this chapter... it was agressive so idek. 

6) Just for the lulz Imma say 99 votes until I contemplate the next chapter. 

7) If this chapter has gone past 99 votes and I haven't uploaded re-read point number 2 and that'll clear things up.

As always thank you for being fabulous, your criticism is always appreciated and I love you all. Even you elderly old man masturbating in the corner. 


[DISCONTINUED] My Mate Is A Guy?! BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now