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“Hey babe?” Jett draws out in his subtly smooth voice. He looks back at me due to the fact that his head was resting on my chest.


“You got any good music?”

I give him a smirk and point over to a large wooden box in the corner of the room, “Go have a look,” I instruct. Jett bounces up and runs over like a small child on Christmas day. He throws open the box and grabs the iPod out of it.

Why such a big box for such a small thing? Really, I don’t know. I don’t even own the iPod... Shamefully I found in on the ground one day. So basically all the songs on it were from the previous owner. I invested in a charger and docket to play the music. Jett’s face lights up as he scrolls through the artists.

“Y’know the way I love you?” he asks, barely looking up from his fringe of silky hair.


“Well that love has increased by ninety nine percent,” he bites his lip and clicks play. I grin at his choice.

“Dance with me!” he says, doing this unbelievably cute boogey with his hands and simultaneously doing the same with his knees. I shake my head and chuckle.

“I’m good. I’m enjoying the show.”

He cocks his head to the side, hand on hip. I bite my lip, grinning. “You like this shit? Honey Imma work it.” he pulls one of those ghetto-type voices and even the facial expressions... Yes the Z finger snap thing.

As the already extremely sexual song continues into the chorus Jett does some very erotic dance moves. And holy fuck was it turning me on.

“Dance with me, Sammy,” Jett moans, pouting. I shake my head adamantly. “You’re dancing,” he yanks me up to smack off of his chest. He gives me an eyebrow wiggle and grinds himself off of me in tune with the music. I run my hand through my hair, laughing.

I have no words. 

“You’re a card,” I manage to say through my laughter. He gives me a devilish full toothed grin. He licks my nose exactly as a guitar solo comes on.

“You’re not a puppy,” I tell him and we both look at each other motionless, then burst out laughing. I slump against Jett’s shoulder.

“Oh my god. Out of all things you could have said...”

“I’m so intellectual.”

“You smell lovely,” Jett suddenly says in a husky voice and grips me closer to him.

“Sniff away.”

He presses his face against my neck, sending tingles throughout my body. He suddenly growls, sounding awful like I did when I first changed. My eyes snap open as I swiftly cart Jett out to the porch, he’s shaking as if in sub degree temperatures but his skin flaring up. He lets out a whimper of pain.

“You’re okay, babe,” I murmur to him and lay him out on my lap of the porch floor. His eyes roll back to look at me. “You’re okay, babe,” I repeat, smoothing his hair out repeatedly as a comforting gesture. When I had shifted for the first time not one person had been there, when usually you have someone to make the experience more comfortable. 

But seeing as I was the omega, everyone was ordered to leave me – they even had Felicity under house arrest for the whole thing.

Jett’s whole body quivers and he bites his lip to prevent any sound from emitting. I can tell that that’s for my benefit. So I don’t worry. Jett reaches out for my hand and grasps it in a death grip. I gently rub his own hand with my thumb.

His face is a deathly white and beads of sweat pops out on his forehead.

“Sam...” he says in a choked voice.

“I’m here...” I sooth.  Jett thrashes his head from side to side. It hurts me to see him in that much pain and incapable to cease it. I notice Jett’s now bloodshot eyes are glancing at the wooden steps leading down to the sand. Before I realise what he was thinking, Jett flings himself off of my lap to tumble down the steps. I hear him cry out.




By the time I react and by the time I get down the steps Jett is no longer there. In his place lies the massive body of a wolf as black as an eclipse. I keep my distance, remembering the time I had first shifted. The confusion and the pure aggression you feel at first. The wolfs head snaps up to look at me, lets out a growl and sprints away from where he was lying, faster than I have ever seen a wolf move.

I quickly take off my shirt and pants, shift and run after him before he does something stupid. I quickly catch his scent, but not his actual self.

The scent drifted into the forest of which we had originally come from. 

I stray from Jett’s scent, taking a detour I circle around, hoping to cut Jett off in his path. After around three minutes of excessive running I hear the soft pounding of running on my left flank. I bear a wolfish grin and skid to a halt as Jett propels into me, sending both of us backwards from each other with a yelp.

He quickly gets up and shakes his fur out, back hunched up in a protective and wary pose. I back away a little, showing I mean no harm. Obviously, he still hasn’t adjusted to everything and sometimes that means forgetting the human life for some moments. His nose twitches as he picks up my scent and his already massive eyes grow wider as he stalks over to me.

Jesus he’s a massive wolf.

He gently nuzzles my neck, as if some form of apology. He lets out a whimper and looks at me with wide eyes. I lick his nose, letting out a bark of laughter.

Revenge for previous actions.  

Jett lies down in the cover of a tree and nudges my leg as if indicating for me to do the same. I oblige, carefully lying into him, feeling every rise and fall of his long body. 


Long authors note, you ready? 

1: I am actually so sorry for taking so long to upload! D: Mocks just finished and then a demon flu struck me down. Omfg the amount of times that I have sneezed, headbutted the keyboard and accidently deleted like three lines. Omfg I was getting frustrated.

2: You should all thank the picture on the side of Jett dancing AND the really old video of Alex Mckee (Jett) being a ghetto biatch. (May I add that I looked Alex Mckee into youtube and this is what comes up... hence youtube I thank you for increasing my lol-factor.) OMFG HE WAS SO SMALL AND CUTE YEARS AND YEARS AGO (': 

3: Thank you oh so much for commenting and voting! *fans self* I was getting flustered... we should all participate in a gang bang... (; 

4: Vote limit for next chapter is: 50. 

5: I am going to sign off this long assed authors note before I sneeze and delete it, hence prolonging the upload.

Love you :D :D 


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