Group Hug

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I somehow manage to push Sam and Felicity out of the door before me while shifting. Don’t ask how I managed seeing as Felicity kicked me in the face in her mid shift while running. That is going to earn a black eye. None of us dare to look behind in fear of the cops seeing us. They can’t be human. They actually can’t. No human can track a werewolf that fast... By what Dad has told me. Fuck, Benjamin. I shake my head of any panicky thoughts and run, making sure to keep behind Sam and Felicity. I can’t be in a panic now. I can’t and I won’t.

I have to be an alpha.

And alpha of a pack in ruins but an alpha all the same.

We continue running until we’re well into the next state and by then its morning yet again. I originally intended to go a bit further but Felicity isn’t having any of that. She spins around and halts me with her own halt. I skid to a stop, banging right into her – causing us both to tumble over each other. Felicity gives out a yelp from underneath me. I immediately get off of her and look to my left at Sam who has shifted into his human form and pulling on some shorts. He grabs a dress out of the bag and hands it to Felicity who grasps it in her mouth and wanders away from us to shift. With Sam’s eyes on me the whole time I make to painful transformation.

Sam smirks a little while handing me the shorts. I smirk back at him from under a veil of hair. Felicity comes back over to us, her eyes clearly bloodshot, with her arms crossed over her chest.

“You’re way too clumsy for a wolf,” she comments.

“Hey now, that was revenge for that kick earlier,” I lift up my hair out of my left eye to show her to almighty bruise that I can feel forming. Sam and Felicity both wince.

“It kinda looks like a squishy prune...” Sam squints a bit and comes over to me to inspect the damage. He puts on of his hands on my chin and the other on my cheek.

“It feels like Mike Tyson just knocked me out,” I mutter. Felicity waves her hands to us.

“Can we please get onto the subject at hand?”

Sam and I slowly look at her, I looking like a puckered up fish from the way Sam is holding my face. Felicity’s lip twitches as though about to smile but not being able to. I shake my head and swat Sam’s hands away.

“Later,” I promise him.

Felicity takes a deep breath, “what just happened?”

I scratch the back of my head, “Well, I don’t know about you, but I just ran through a whole state.”

Felicity rolls her eyes and does that lip twitch thing again. “Why were the cops there?”

I take a deep breath, “we went with Caleb and the cops showed up,” I pause momentarily and look at my hands, “Benjamin has been taken into custody and the cops know about us. Hence them able to follow us.”

“How do they know?” Sam asks, his eyes narrowing.

“I think I have an uncle in the police force...” Felicity says slowly, then suddenly a look of sudden realisation, “my mother.”

“What about her?” I question.

“She probably tipped the police off about us. It would be something that she would do in a heartbeat,” Felicity just looks around at the deserted land, furious. “And if I know anything about my mother it’s that she is tenacious.”

I bite my lip, thinking of answers but knowing no questions.

“Anything else, Jett?” Sam asks me, his forest green eyes focused on me.

“Thom Klieg,” I say abruptly, remembering everything.

“Who’s that?” Felicity asks, with furrowed eyebrows. I look at Sam.

“Sam’s father.”

All the colour in Sam’s face is completely drained away and instead, replaced with a deadly white shade.

“We have to find him,” Felicity says suddenly, in the silence. Sam and I look at her hard and serious expression. “He might know something. He might be able to help us.”  

“He’s not going to want to help us, Feli. Anyway where the hell would we find him? The world is probably full of Thom Kliegs,” Sam says in a rush, stumbling over his words. Felicity walks closer to him and grips both of his forearms.

“Sammy, I know you’re scared. I’m petrified. He might know something about the fire.”

I put my hand on Sam’s shoulder, “besides,” I whisper into his ear, “we might as well do something productive while we run for our lives.”

 Sam gulps and nods slowly.

“Yeah?” Felicity and I ask at the same time.

“Yeah,” Sam reluctantly agrees. I kiss his cheek, making sure not to do any full blown mate action in front of Felicity.

“Oh fuck it,” I mumble to myself and pull Sam and Felicity into a group hug. We’ve all been through enough. Everyone needs some hugging in their lives.

“Are we seriously having a group hug in the middle of nowhere?” Felicity asks. I can note a slight smile in her voice.

“This is so messed up,” Sam chuckles slightly, but hugging back none the less.

“Shut up, you’re ruining the moment,” I hush them and take a deep breath. My gut is screaming at me to turn away from this, to deny everything that has been presented towards me recently. To go back to the life of watching horror movies instead of living in one.

But no, I guess it’s the blood in me.

I can’t turn away.


"She actually uploaded? The bitch actually uploaded?" Yes I did, now you can all love me again!

1) This is the end of Part One! Omg. I can't believe we've made it this far. I'm so proud of you guys. *big hugs* Btw, end of part one basically means end of the first book. And remember a while back I said that there would be a surprise? Well this is it! A sequel! But the sequel will be posted here, on the original story... so really it'll just be like a continuation. 

2) This is the last upload until the 16th of June, which is when I am aiming to finish exams and aiming to have the first chapter of part 2 up and running. 

3) Video is all Sam. All Sam and nothing but the Sam. I tried making a trailer with moving videos and everything, it turned out so amazing. But the stupid file refused to be converted into mp4 or some video file so we'll have to do without it "/ 

4) Picture is of Benjamin (played by Bradley Cooper... unf)

5) 99 votes until I think about how I'm going to write the next part. Tbh I don't know why I keep putting vote limits on it. It just makes me think that if I don't say it no one is going to vote and then I'll feel like no one likes it... so really you should all ignore me.

Right, sorry for the long note.

Love you all. 


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