Lost Puppy

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The next morning Jett doesn’t look at me, talk to me or even acknowledge my presence. That stings a little, but I assume it has something to do with the wild mood swings during the change or the fact that he’s still confused about me kissing him. So I follow him for the rest of the day, like a lost puppy. Evidently that’s my new ‘nickname’ amongst Caleb’s pack. Lost Puppy. Creative isn’t it? Jett acts like I’m not even there.

And I’d be lying if I say that doesn’t hurt.

I spot Felicity a few times throughout the day, looking at my distraught expression and Jett’s composed look. I have never seen him look so serious. But I pin it down to the change and give him space. The cycle continues for around a week until I eventually leave him alone altogether, staying with Felicity but keeping tabs on him at all times. He usually just sat on the steps outside the school with his hood up and headphones in. I don’t even bother walking home with him anymore, I just stick to shadowing him.

“There’s something wrong with the alpha,” Felicity says to me one day.

“Sorry, what?” I mumble, looking at Jett for the thousandth time.

“Do you think he’s found his mate? The only time I’ve seen someone act like that is when they’ve lost their mate,” she tells me in a matter of fact way.

“No he hasn’t found his mate,” I say in a gruff voice. Felicity holds up her hands in defence.

“Sorry! But there’s something wrong with this picture,” she gives me a pointed look and gets up just as the bell rings. I sigh and follow Jett to his next class. He doesn’t even notice my presence.

Another week this goes on and I’m growing antsy. Something has happened to Jett other than the change. Other than the fact that he’s grown another three inches and that he never speaks. Something else. I’m stupid not to realise this earlier. So when the bell chimes to signal the end of the day I run the catch up with Jett. He doesn’t turn around when I call his name. He just keeps his head down and quickens his pace.

So I’m not entirely invisible. That makes me smirk a little.

“Jett!” I call again, in a more firm voice. He breaks off into a run and I stop in my tracks.

Holy shit he’s fast.

I take a deep breath and run after him and his long powerful strides. He’s certainly lived up to his name anyway. Imagine him as a wolf.

By the time I reach his house he’s already gone in and locked the door. I groan but don’t give up.

I am not giving up this easily. I press my ear to the door, hearing clearly that Jett is still on the other side. I know for a fact that my father and Benjamin have gone hunting with the rest of the pack today, only leaving Feli and I. But Feli had this thing after school called drama that she declares her new found love. So we're alone.

“Jett, please,” I whisper, knowing full well that he can hear me. Just that he's choosing not to answer. 

“Please leave me, Sam,” he says in a gruff voice.

“I’m not leaving until you open this door.”

“Please,” he pleads.

“No,” I tell him sternly and I hear the faint click of the door unlocking. Jett stands there, towering over me. It feels... different. He blinks as if surprised at this too.

“Jett what's up with you?” I ask him, taking his hand in mine, he rips it away.

“I can’t act rational when you’re near me.”

I look at him and place my hand on his sharp face, “I can’t either.”

He hand folds around mine, “Sam, please. I can’t be alpha with you making me feel like this.”

I look at him. I really look at him. “Is that the reason you’ve been blanking me? Because you can’t be alpha with me around you?”

He nods sheepishly. I chuckle and his eyes fly to my face, in shock. I smile at him, comfortingly.

“Jett, every alpha feels like that. Don’t lock me out,” I step over the threshold and press my body against his, “I love you too much to lock me out.”

I feel Jett’s cheek rest on the top of my head, “I’m so sorry, Sam.”

I caress his hand, “Don’t be. You didn’t know.” 

“God, I want you so much right now,” he says in a shaky breath. I smile and pull him down to my lips.

“You’ve got me.”

His lips collide with my, holding nothing back. I pull myself closer to him and he hoists me up on his waist so that I'm looking down at him.

In this position he carries me up to his room and lays me out on his bed, leaning over me. Our crotches are touching and I’m fully aware that we are both extremely aroused. I snake a hand up his shirt, caressing his abs. He smiles against my lips.

In one fluid motion he has my shirt off and moves his lips from mine to move them over my chest and abs. I whimper. Jett runs his tongue all the way to the waist band of my jeans. I put my hands in his hair and yank him back up to my lips, sitting up so that I’m straddling him. He pulls back, gasping for breath, holding my wrists to his chest.

He looks down bashfully. “Is it bad that I’m not ready?”

I smile and kiss his forehead, “Not at all,” I pull him down to lie with me so that he’s lying in my arms.

“Can I ask you a question?” he asks me in an innocent and almost childlike voice.

“Of course,” I rub his earlobe in a massaging fashion. He lets out a breath of bliss.

“Can we play twenty questions?”

I laugh, “That’s your question?”

“That’s it,” he confirms, snuggling further into my chest. I kiss the top of his head.

“Of course we can play twenty questions.” 


The full perv scene comes later. You will not be missing out. 

So... any opinions? 

I'm not sure if I like this chapter but Imma post it anyway :/ 

Thank you for the votes and comments I squeal everytime I read the comments and I plan the next chapter with every vote >:D 

The song... well I was listening to this while writing and I think it suits this chapter mighty fine! 

Right voting limit for the next chapter : 33. 

I really hope you liked it... And the picture is of Jett... in a pose that makes me wanna do inappropriate and pervy things to him. 

Bye bye <3

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