Under Pressure

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Have you ever felt an internal pain?

I should hope not. It hurts like a bitch.

Like you're lungs are about to burst through your chest, cracking each and every rib before setting themselves on fire in rebellion.

Benjamin is standing in front of me shouting words at me that have long past made any sense. The thought of Sam being in pain hurts me.

“You can’t help him now, Jett. Change dammit!”

I know exactly what he’s trying to do. He’s trying to get me angry, upset so that I will change so I can save Sam.

I appreciate that.

But you’d never guess what? It’s generally extremely unlikely that I’ll be able to shift again until the full moon which is a week away. Do we have that time? No. My eyes flare in anger as I flick them up to look at Benjamin.

“I’m not going to shift.”

“You will or Sam will die.”

I wince at his choice of words. The truth in them is too much to hear.

“Shut up,” I snarl in a low voice, the pain in my chest becoming almost too much to bear. Benjamin puts his face up close to mind and grasps my shoulders firmly, shaking them as if to wake me from a slumber.

“Jett if you don’t shift now Sam is going to die.”

I push him off of me. “You think I don’t know that? You don’t think I know that the one person that makes me feel alive is about to be put to death?”

Benjamin just looks at me with hard eyes as I go off on my rant.

“If Sam is put to death it is practically my fucking fault. No, it’s your fault. You leaving and taking me with you drove him to hostility of the pack. Yes I’m playing the blame game!” I let my voice go shrill at the end.

“Fuck,” I finish as a familiar ripping pain goes through my back and I momentarily see stars.

Benjamin grips me by the shoulders. “Don’t you dare black out.” I’m vaguely aware of him laying me down. I grip his hand.

“Hurts like a bitch doesn’t it?”

I smile back weakly, “big fucking bitch.”

Benjamin lets out a chuckle and I grip his hand tighter. Child birth can’t even be this painful.

“It’s more painful the second time round.”

“You... think?” I bite my tongue and taste the familiar metallic flavour of blood. I resist the urge to gag. Puking is not needed at this moment of time. It seems like eternity before I feel the snap of my bones and the rapid spread of fur. As soon as that happens I get up and shake myself off. I swear I hear a gasp emit from him.

“You look like your mother.”

I nuzzle his hand, knowing it’s the only way I can show him some form of affection.

“I’ll follow you, okay?”

I don’t need any more words of wisdom as I take off running, pumping my body to the extremist limits. I let out a howl when I realize that I’m not even panting. Fuck yeah.

If I’m too late I don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t word anything to sound non drama queenish. 

I don’t halt for a moment, following the scent of the pack to base. Eventually I hear voices. I crouch down behind a large bush, pricking my ears so I can hear every word being spoken.

“So how are we doing this?” I hear Sam shout to be heard over the flames, his voice confident even in the current situation. My Sam.

“We burn you,” Bethany replies, adding more sticks to the fire as if she was going to have a family friendly camp out.

“No knives of teeth before hand?” Sam stares at her with hard eyes.

Bethany shakes her head and continues adding sticks, “We will just burn you. Alive.”

I urge the growl at the back of my throat to not make itself known as my eyes sweep the pack. I spot someone hunched over Felicity. Caleb? I grind my teeth together. What the fuck is Caleb doing here? He can’t be a part of this pack, can he? I notice how he’s looking at Felicity and realise that they’re mates.

I can’t judge them on account of Sam’s and my own mating.

Have you ever heard the theory that if you stare at someone for long enough they’ll look at you? I glare at Caleb with all of my being as Bethany feeds the fire and Serena and Riley hold Sam down. Caleb looks up and jumps back slightly at the sight of me.

Heh. Not so tough now, are we Caleb?

No time for my revenge.

I roll my eyes at him and jerk my head towards a large branch of wood a few meters away from him. He points to himself and I roll my eyes again, nodding. He gulps and nods, slowly lowering Felicity off of him. I hold my breath as he reaches for the branch. If he gives me enough of a distraction by hitting Bethany I can get Serena and Riley away from Sam. I see Felicity stir from her unconsciousness. At least she’s okay.

Caleb grabs and swings, but not before Bethany notices and spins around to snap his neck. Caleb falls to the ground in a dead weight.

Felicity’s scream fills the night air. 


Yes I know long time no Sam and Jett, but I'm not going to give you a long excuse like I did in the last authors note.

Too short? Well I'm sorry. Either that or I fail the first most important exams that I will ever face. 

For all you lovelies who just read whatever shite I post with no bother, I thank you for voting and commenting and brightening my day. I also thank you for being extremely patient with this. So threesomes and hugs for you all!

The picture is of Caleb, Sam, Felicity and Jett - if you didn't already know that. 

The song is basically what made me upload this bad boy. 

Votes for next chapter: 77 AND IT MAY BE DELAYED AGAIN.

But lets look at my logic here: not as frequent uploading, longer until the end. And do you guys really want this to end?

Love you all. Even you Jonah. I would laugh so hard if someone was called Jonah. Aw that's a lovely name... *thinks* I feel another story coming on with that name >:D 

I'm gone. 



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