NOT A CHAPTER UPDATE, more of an update on the stance of this series.

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I have received a shocking amount of messages from people demanding me to update this story, and I'm sorry to say that that doesn't seem like an option. Not for me anyway.

I'm extremely sorry, I just have to get that out of the way before people bombard me with the whole 'UPDATE!!!' comments that are all too rampant on this website. It means you're enthusiastic, that's good.

Even 'I hate you' remarks could be interpreted as resentment because you just loved the story so much... But I'm really trying to justify any of the comments that might come my way. I've received a colourful array of them over time, and I'm not going to lie - some of them make me smile as much as others do make me cry.

Then again, I'm a complete wuss so that doesn't say a lot for the harshness of the message in the first place.

The point of this post is to give my gravest apologies. I enjoyed this story when I was in the mindset (and age) to write it. But I'm not anymore. I've moved on, and I'm tackling a tonne of hurdles in my own personal life at this moment in time. Between that, studying, and actually trying to breathe - it's difficult to try and find the time to update.

And, when I do, it's not this book - mainly because I have no interest in it anymore. I can't even read back over it without grimacing and feeling ashamed. That's just something I have to work past, and I am working on it - promise. 

So, thanks to the lovely and polite individual by the name of _Sherr_ I thought it might be best to post the general outline I had for this story rather than leaving you all hanging on a thread. It's not perfect, it has a hell of a lot of plot holes, but it's the only thing I could manage to come with.

I'm sorry. I really am. 

The video probably personifies your reaction to this entire post, I've been listening to it as motivation to face the backlash. 

Also, if anyone is interested in my writing as well as this story, I actually do update 'The Step-Father' and my one shot series. 

Right, okay, stop reading now if you want to keep yourself on a cliff hanger. 

Excuse me if I forget any names.

1) Jett's father would gain the help of an 'unknown' source to get out of jail, and following their trail.

2) Felicity would connect with the girl, finding out that she lost her father at an early age and was taken in by whoever got her to take Felicity.

3) Myles continues to follow Sam and Jett around, until Sam eventually comes clear and tells him. Another mystery added to the list when Myles spots the girl running away from them, obviously previously spying on them, and exclaims "hold on, I know her!"

4) He can't remember where he knows her from, but he's suddenly pretty obsessed with finding out where they met before he died.

5) Shit happens, I can't remember what exactly.

6) Revelation in the end: after that fire with the rogue when Sam was younger, his mother somehow lost her ability to transform back to a human and spent the rest of her time roaming the woods as a wolf. Wolf thoughts, losing her human-qualities and thoughts. The rogue happened to be Sam's father, hence him helping him out of the fire.

7) They find Felicity, not entirely sure where, and a whole confrontation goes down. Basically, Myles is the girl's father and Sam's biological father's brother - why Sam could see him was because they were related.

8) I can't remember where I was going to tie it up.

9) Felicity dies. I don't know what context, but the baby survives and I had the idea of Sam and Jett having to raise the little girl.

I'm so sorry I can't give you anything more.

Tallied Number of Apologies in this post: 6

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