Twice Burnt

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I shove my hands further in my pockets and hunching my back down. It had grown quite chilly. It doesn’t take that long for him to catch my scent. I keep my pace even. At this point I don’t really care what happens to me. Jett is the only reason that I have fought this hard to stay sane and to stay alive. If the pack killed me now the only concern I would have would be for Jett’s wellbeing.

I’m surprised at my father. He really thought I couldn’t sense him? Father dearest has gone down in his game. I stop in my tracks and I can hear him do the same.

“I’m fully aware you’re following  me,” I say in a confident voice. Riley steps out into view, looking at me the same way he has since that night. I tilt my head to the side and look at him. Really look at him. The years without Mom have really been bad to him. He looks ill really. His blonde hair is beginning to go an off white from stress I suppose.

“The pack wants you for a meeting,” he replies in a hard voice.

“Which perfectly explains why you were tagging me for the last ten minutes.”

He lets out a sigh, “Don’t make this hard on me, Sam.”

“Like you’ve made it hard on me for the last twelve years? A little hypocritical, don’t you think?”

He snarls at me and stalks over to me, pointing a furious finger, “You deserved that.” Since we’re both around eye level I can stare back at him with as much intensity that he is staring at me.

I gulp, knowing he’s fully right.

“You killed your own mother and the future alpha’s leader’s mother. Do you think he’s going to spare your life when he finds that out?” Riley pauses, noticing my expression and smirks, “I’ve hit a nerve, haven’t I? You’re friends with that Jett boy, aren’t you?” he lets out a laugh, “I can’t wait to burst his little bubble.”

“Shut up!” I scream and push him away from me. I cannot hear this. I can’t. Riley, from his position on the ground smirks even more.

“He’s going to hate you, sonny boy. He is going to hang your remains from a tree and set them on fire with the amount of hate he will have for you.”

I put my palms over my ears, “Shut up!”

His taunting continues, knowing full well that it will drive me over the edge. Over the little bit of sanity I have left. If he tells Jett any of this my sanity will be no longer. Riley stands up and leans right forward to my ear so that even though I have them covered I can hear it perfectly well.

“I’m going to tell him.”

I can’t help the tears falling down my face in thought of Jett hating me. He will hate me. I hate me. He has no reason to love me. I deserve to die. While all these thoughts are racing through my head Riley grips my t-shirt and pulls me after him. I have no fight left in me. Within ten minutes we’re back by the packs resting ground. A large fire has been lit, presumably to light up my body. I smell n unfamiliar scent in the air and my eyes dart to where it’s emitting from.

What the fuck is Caleb doing here? He’s kneeling on the ground, arms gripped around something. Or rather someone. When I see Felicity lying there unconscious, I lose it.

“Feli!” I tear away from Riley’s grip. “What the fuck have you done with her?!” before I can make my way over to her and Caleb, Serena and Riley hold me back. Caleb looks at me through tear filled eyes and I understand. They’re mates. I don’t feel angry. I don’t feel anything. I just want Feli to be okay.

“She’s not dead,” Bethany’s voice cuts through the tension. My heart rate goes down a bit. That’s something.

“If you hurt her I swear to god-“ I start but am cut off.

“That’s the least of your worries, omega. From the looks of your actions only moments ago you are a risk to the safety of this pack.”

“I don’t give a flying shit about this pack.”

“Which is exactly why we must dispose of you.”

“Do it.” I stare at her in her wide, shocked eyes, “I’d rather be dead than subjected to the deeds of this pack.

Bethany waves a hand, “You heard the omega’s wishes, he must finally pay for his previous sins.”

I look into the eyes of evil tonight. It goes by the name of Bethany. 

I’m pushed down onto my knees, the heat of the fire almost too much to handle. I grimace and bare it, looking back over at Felicity in Caleb’s arms. At least she has someone. Someone who I wish to kill with my bare hands, but someone.

“So how are we doing this?” I shout out, over the loud crackling of the fire.

“We burn you.”

“No knives of teeth before hand?”

Bethany simply shakes her head, “We will just burn you. Alive.”

I bite my lip, not letting the tears fall and think of Jett and only Jett. The way he bites his top lip whenever nervous or embarrassed. His easy blush. His ridiculous dancing. The feel of his skin against mine. The thump of his heart against my chest. The way he looks at me from under his dark hair. His voice that sounds like bells whenever I hear it.

We had met before we became mates. A few times actually. But we had never touched. But I still remember every single detail of our first encounter.

“Sam, I’d like you to meet someone,” Riley smiled at me and pushed me forward slightly towards this man who’s body was looming over me. The man smiled at Riley.

“I’m sorry about my one, he’s a bit shy.”

Riley smiled back, “I’m sure they’ll be close, like us.”

“The best friends since you joined this pack,” the man clapped Riley on the shoulder.

“I think the breakaway did us all good,” Riley looks behind the man again, “But I really didn’t expect you to have a kid by the time we got back,” as if suddenly remembering me Riley pushed me forward again. “Say hi, Sammy.”

I look up the man, “Hi.”

The man chuckled, “Hi. But I think he means my son, Jett.” The man stepped aside slightly to reveal a small, skinny boy with shaggy black hair clinging to his waist – even more shy than I was. The boy studied me as I studied him.

“Hi,” I repeated.

“Hi,” he replied in a soft voice.

Riley and Benjamin grinned at each other. “The start of a long friendship together, boys.”


I have a long authors note, so prepare yourself.

If the chapters are too short, I do profoundly apologize but I'm finding it hard to find the time. I apologize about that again.

I am going to warn you here and now. Someone or some people ARE going to die. I'm sorry. I have to. It's nescessary for the plot line. So who he/she/they are shall be revealed in the next few chapters as we reveal our almost end.

I said almost didn't I? I'd estimate six more chapters AND THEN A SURPRISE. Okay, who loves me?  

The picture is of Sam because I love the boy almost as much as I love you guys. Literally, I love all the comments and votes - makes me feel like I have a purpose. Even the threats guys -.- 

The song is what I was listening to while writing this... the kid kinda reminded me of what Jett could have maybe looked like when he was thirteen or so? He's cute okay. 

Love you guys and I apologize again. 

Votes for next chapter? 88. Even though uploads may be late. Due to time a stuff like that. I AM NOT A TIME LORD. Yesh. 

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