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When your father walks in on you getting hot and steamy with your incredibly hot and sexy mate things are bound to be awkward. You can imagine how I feel at the exact moment, wishing that the ground would swallow me whole.

The reality of Sam’s hand gripping me makes me feel much better.

 I had shifted back immediately after I had gotten Sam to lie with me in the woods, naked, shivering and half delusional. Sam had carried me back here and that’s when Dad walked in. Being a wolf was nothing like I had expected. I had expected to feel brain dead and see in black and white. When in all reality I felt a million times sharper in every way, even in intellectual ability.

I could see everything, I could hear everything, I could taste the smells in the air and the lust I felt for Sam intensified.

It had been painful as fuck, but Sam being there eased some of it. It helped me through the haze and the weird thoughts I was having.

The worst thing was forgetting Sam for the second time, thinking he was a threat as soon as I had shifted. That hurt to think about. If it hurt me, I wonder how Sam felt about it.

“You two are mates,” those words make me feel woozy. I take a large gulp waiting for the rest of his reaction. Surprisingly he smiled at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

“At least you’ll be more willing to help me,” he tells me, his voice grave and low. I swear my eyes flash panic as I instinctively push Sam behind me in a protective stance.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean Bethany has issued an order to dispose of Sam before he turns into a rogue,” his eyes flick down, afraid of my reaction. I let out a wolfish growl, causing his head to snap up in shock. Sam presses himself up against my back and rubs my shoulder.

“It’s okay, babe.”

“It’s not fucking okay,” I snarl, feeling my eyes flare in anger. Sam nuzzles my neck which makes me calm down. Completely forgetting that my father was in the room I let the pull of my mate take me over, hungrily kissing him.

A few moments later Dad ceases my mojo, “I’m still here.”

Sam springs back, turning a bright red. Dad lets out a little awkward chuckle. With a red face I turn back to him with a stern expression.

“What do you need me to do?”


The fact that Caleb’s body was the only thing covering my bare one. I don’t need to tell you any of the details that had happened previously. A shiver suddenly goes up my spine. The very one that I get whenever someone is following me. I shake Caleb on top of me.


He mumbles something illegible to me, then looks up with ruffled hair with a sleepy grin. “Cal? I like it.”

“Hush you,” I scold him, grabbing for my dress and slipping it over my head.

Caleb looks at me, confused. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone is following me,” I throw his pants at him. He clumsily catches them and yanks them on.

“Someone as in human somebody or...?”

Another shiver goes up and I smell the air. “Someone as in my mother.”

“Then we should go. Like now,” he yanks me away with him.

“Where are we going?” I ask in an even voice, not affected by the running.

“My house,” Caleb pants.

“Is no one home?” I ask suddenly. Surely his parents would be home at this time.

He gives me a small smile, gripping my hand tighter. “No one ever is, honey.”



“Never call me honey again. Okay?”

He lets out a little laugh, “Okay, muffin.”

A few moments later we reach this small bungalow that wasn’t too far from the diner place. Caleb produces a key from a plant pot and unlocks the door.

“My Mom runs the diner so she’s barely ever home,” he explains as we step inside the abandoned house. The tingling down my spine ceases for the moment. Hopefully my scent mixed with Caleb’s would throw her off. Not that I don’t love my Mom... I do... Kind of. Well at least I hope I do. I just doubt that she would put me in before the pack in any of her thoughts or actions.

“What’s so bad about your Mom?” Caleb asks me.

“Nothing. I just don’t want her to find you.”

“Why? Am I a bad mate by your standards?” he gives me a slight grin. I push him back lightly.

“No. She’d just want me to brand you as my own.”

“And what does that entitle?” he steps back towards me.

“I would have to bite you,” I inhale his tantalizing scent.

“That doesn’t sound that bad.”

“And you would turn into a wolf,” I finish with a whisper. Caleb gently kisses my forehead.

“As long as I’m with you I don’t care.” 

I smile and push him away again, getting high off of his scent. “That’s so unbelievably corny. I hope you’re aware of that.”

“I’m most definitely aware. I’m also aware that you love it.”

I blush to myself, “I never implied that.”

“You didn’t have to.”

Interrupting our cute moment the door flies open, revealing my mother standing there in one of those stances where you know the shit is about to hit the fan.

“Felicity, I’d hate to interrupt you and your mate,” she snarled the word. My mother has had everything against mates ever since hers cheated on her. My father. No one has seen him since. Whether he went rogue or whatever, no one knows. I push Caleb behind me.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” I scent her anger.

“Nothing of your concern,” her eyes don’t leave Caleb.

“It obviously is if you’re here, guarding me from something,” my eyes flash to her face in sudden realisation, “Sam.” It always is when someone is to guard me from something. When he is being punished, the first time he changed... everything that caused him harm I was guarded and locked away just incase I attempted to stop them from maiming him.

Not this time. 


Yeah I know, two POV's? Sue me guys -.- 

What do you thinks? 

Felicity's mommy at the side >> 

And the song is basically what I was listening to whilst writing. 

Right... I have nothing really to say besides thank you for voting and commenting as per usual (': 

Votes: 70. 

Tis simples for you all. Ninjas. 

Love you guys. Thank you for making this story possible <3 

[DISCONTINUED] My Mate Is A Guy?! BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now