33.) After The Meetup

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Max's POV
It was a day after the meet up happened and we were back making videos . I went into y/n's office and saw her trying to jump up to get something , I giggled and i got it for her . What was it you may ask it was her microphone covers she had in a bag . I thought it was cute that she couldn't reach  it i walked back to my desk but was stopped by my ex Macy . Macy pushes me against  the wall and forcefully put her self on me . I pushed her back hoping that y/n saw me and i hit her . She came back to me and said " if you don't let me kiss you i will kill her " so i didn't want y/n hurt so  i let her but I didn't kiss her back . Then I looked and saw y/n had tackled her to the ground . I try to realize what happened. After Adam hot the cops to send her to jail i had to deal with a crying y/n . She looked at me and said "I thought you loved me, Why would you do something like that." I felt bad for her . My true partner i just let down .  She looked at me with tears rolling down her  face  i tried to wipe them away but she smacked my hand and ran off. I chased after her and saw her in  her office head on the desk crying . I knew she would try something and i knew i wanted to bust into her office to stop her .

I locked myself in my office . I forgot to close the blinds stuck on the window . I had a knife on my bookshelf . I stared at it and got up to get it . I heard a band on my door i looked it was max . I didn't want to talk to him . It made me mad because i loved him and cares a lot about him . It wasn't fair  , i head the door break down and max comes rushing to me just as i make the first mark .  He grabbed the knife and threw it to get it out of reach . I looked at him and stood up  . He looked at me and said "I'm sorry"  I looked at him and punched him  in the stomach But of course it didn't hurt him . He looked at me and grabbed my hands and pushed me against the wall his hands on the wall blocking me  from escaping through front  of sides'. He remembered he had a video going he played  it  through . I started to cry again after i realized what she said . He held me and said "its okay you know i wouldn't do anything like that right ? " i nod and he leaves and grabs a bunch if paper towels and  wipes away the blood he looked at my arm and said in a deep voice " Don' t you ever do  something like that again . " i look away and i said " Don't  you  go  kissing other people " he looked at me and sighed he said " i   Only did it  for  your protection . I look away again and he pulls my chin to kiss me and we work it out like nothing ever happened . He kept popping in my office to check on me . Before he left he sat next to me and said " if we fight again remind me that I need to stay and work it out " i laugh and we continue to work like nothing happened .

Macy's POVo
"I will kill her .... i will find her   . And he will be MINE" ' i say as the guard hit the bars and says "SHUT UP . "I didn't care , i kept talking until i got put into the crazy room ...i kept saying "She will pay " i scream again "SHE WILL PAY , "HE WILL BE MINE!!! "Is the last thing u say before i am put to sleep.

Hey guys ' Hannah here i hope you enjoyed the chapter  .if you did i would love sone feedback . but announcement : tommrow's  Chapter will be late , Sorry but it will he good trust me . And i also am working on a new book !!!! Yay !!! Woooo . Lol Hope you guys had a nice day and what did you do today  ? i wrote a 10 page essay for a class and we got them  baby simulators so thats why i may have to delay some chapters . Because the fake baby thing is for our graduating grade  , if i fail i get to bot graduate . Of i pass i do , so the pressures on me . So if i don't  post i will make it up the following Saturday or Sunday . Or maybe next Saturday or Sunday  but  i will post a a/n telling you whats gonna happen  after i receive the simulator . But enough with me. !!!

Question of the day : What grade are you in and so you have to do the simulators and what did you think of this chapter ?

My awnser:
8th , Friday is day 1 of simulator , and  i liked his chapter . The feelings in this tho . It's strong and it reflects how i acted during my  ex bf's cheating thing. Because i will have chapters every-now and again kinda reflecting my life and the situation i was in . But thanks for reading boii (Sorry the a/n was long lmafo)


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