44,) Fun with doggies (final)

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max's Pov

we sat in the living room , Galileo in my lap d/n in y/n's. she yawns and lays her head on my shoulder . I lay my  head on hers . we were watching gravity falls when the lights shut off , me and her brush it off as if ross was pranking us . Until I realized ross nor Tim was home and our hose was brand new never had anything like that before until I realized y/n's ex was still after us . I heard the door and footsteps. I felt uneasy  about him so I pulled her towards me both dogs growling and showing teeth then the lights came on what was there on the TV a note and a barbwire baseball bat and it said ''I'm back for you ' and ''little pig , little pig let me in'' I was very uneasy and I could tell y/n was scared . I threw the note an grabbed the bat I held it up looking and it had a name carved into it the name was "S.E.T.H''. from that moment I knew we weren't safe and I would do everything in my will to protect y/n.


the lights went out , I started to panic but stayed calm . max pulled me closer just to make sure it was him , I knew he would protect me but that point I knew he was scared , both dogs hunched and growling , then everything went to normal but a bat and a note on the tv . it said  '' I'm back for you ''and '' little pig little pig let me in'' I knew who said that it was him max examined the bat and carved was S.E.T.H I knew he was back for me but I didn't think this soon . I realize that nothing was peaceful anymore and that I had to fear everyday because of him  max said he would protect me but I don't want it to cause him anything . its my problem I will face it alone if I have to ...

Hey guys Hannah here, sorry it was short I have to cut some chapters short to cope with school and trying to bring my grades up, also NO updates on THANKSGIVING because its about family and friends so I'm leaving to spend time with them as I mean leaving I mean fling to Seattle  to spend it with them , for now guys take care boiii ~HANNAH

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