59.) Ross' Anger Problems

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Y/n's Pov

I was sitting in college taking a semester test when all the sudden I got a text from max, I snuck to text back on my phone while trying to finish what I was doing and focusing on the test. I looks at my phone he said ''Ross is mad be careful'' , I text him back and roll my eyes and gather the brain to the test . I realize that I forgot to silence my phone . until I heard a 'ding' it was max who texted me back after I put it away . I decided to respond to him after the test was complete. I figured that I would let myself to text him before i leave for home and continue there . I hope he knows  I was  in a test .  and I was focused on something . I walked to my car when I saw Tim and asked him what he was doing and he said ''ross has gone wild over something stupid and I'm getting away from it ''. I nodded and drove back to my car.

Max's Pov

I waited and waited for y/n to come back , I know she was testing but it doesn't take that long does it?  maybe she - no she couldn't but would she - nah . I hear ross screaming and I found out why he was mad his girl had broke up with him . and right when I went down stairs y/ns car pulled up and she opened the door and slammed her books down on the table and started studying , I got behind her and made her stand right when ross came in . I stood by her side and ross went mad he said ''if I cant have one , no one else can'' he got a book and slammed it at y/n hitting her knocking her out with a black eye . I got p***** off and threw a knife almost stabbing him and told him if he didn't leave I would tell the cops . after he left I picked up y/n and took her to the bedroom where I laid her in bed and waited for her to wake up . good going ross  good going .


I saw a book hit me and that was it , I tried to wake up but nothing happened . was I dead in max's arms or was I knocked out and more importantly was I okay was I alive .?

Max's Pov

I hope she is okay , I have a feeling she's alive but I'm not sure if she is , I will wait till she wakes up to see if she needs to go to the hospital . I hope we don't but I also hope she's okay .

Hey People Hannah here I hope You  enjoyed Sorry if there ain't any updates for a bit I was busy with life but I'm here with a short chapter but at-least its something , QOTD : Favorite food ? mine is pizza or icecream but thanks for reading peace love and unicorns booiii ~Hannah

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