Chapter Fifteen:

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What was that?

“Jake, I’m scared.” I say, reaching for my phone to call my mom.

“Allie, we are going to be okay. I’ll go downstairs and see what that was. Call 9-1-1 and tell the police everything. I will yell for you if I need you.” Jake says kissing my cheek before leaving my room.

I’m shaking and tears are streaming down my cheeks.



“What is your emergency?” the woman on the other line asks.

“I think someone broke into my house.” I state.

“What is your name?”

“Allie Simmons.”

“Where do you live?”

“13406 Dandelion Court.”

“Alright, do you have anyone home with you at the moment?”

“My boyfriend is here. He just went downstairs to see what’s going on.”

“How old are you and your boyfriend?” she asks.


“Where are your parents?”

“They left for New York last night and theyre getting back tomorrow morning.” I say, hearing sirens in the distance.

“Okay, right now, I need you to stay calm. The police will be there within the next three minutes,” the woman says calmly.

“What about my boyfriend?” I ask, choking back cheers.

“He’ll be okay, the police are pulling up in front of your house now. Just stay in your room. I told them to send him up to you when they get in the house.”

“Okay, thank you. I hear the police now. They’re downstairs.”

“Okay. Goodluck sweetheart!” the lady says before ending the call.

I put on my slippers and leave my room, bumping right into Jake.

“Babe, Scott broke in. The cops are dealing with him now.”

I look at him and notice a gash by his eye and a few bruises on his neck.

“Are you okay? How did he break in?” I ask.

“I’m okay. When I went down there, he was sitting at the kitchen table. I asked him what he was doing here and he claimed that he is mad at you and he wanted to talk to you. Then he tried to go upstairs, but I blocked his way and we got into a little fight. He had a knife.” Jake said, touching the gash over his eyebrow.

“What you for protecting me. Can I clean you up?” I ask, hugging him.

“Anytime Allie. I think I’m just gonna shower and go to bed. The police are taking him to the station and will be back tomorrow evening.  Scott didn’t break anything, he pried open a window and the crash that we heard was him falling into the house from the window.”

“Okay. I love you! I’ll wait for you in bed. Can I get you anything?” I ask.

“Nah, I’m good. I’ll be right back.” Jake says, placing a kiss on my cheek before going into the bathroom to shower.


“Did the shower help?” I ask Jake as he climbs into bed next to me.

“A little. But there’s something else that would help even more.” Jake says smirking.

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