Chapter Twenty Five:

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OKAY! So! This is the last chapter of Who Am I? I hope you all enjoy it! Please remember to vote and comment! My new goal for the end of March is 3k reads and 150 votes, so please please please help me reach that. Also, I would love it if someone could make a trailer for this story. Thank you all so much for all your support. It means a lot to me. Enjoy!


Allie: Jake…I…It’s going to take me a long time to fully forgive you and trust you. But I really appreciate your apology and I would love to talk to you about this in person. I think that I am ready to be friends. It’s just gonna take a long time to fully be able to trust you again because of all the pain you put me through.

Jake: I totally understand that. Again, I’m really sorry for everything. I know that I can say “I’m sorry” as many times as I want, but it’s my actions that will show you whether or not I mean it. I plan to show you that I mean it.

Allie: Okay. I’m happy that we talked tonight. I think it’s time for us to move on. It’s kinda getting old.

Jake: I agree. Can I give you a hug tomorrow or is that too much?

Allie: I would love a hug J

Jake: Okay good J

Allie: well, I gotta go now. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Jake: Okay, see ya

I toss my laptop to the side and run to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see a new me. In the mirror I see a tall girl with tan skin. Her blue eyes sparkle, and you can no longer see sadness within them. She grins from ear to ear. Her long wavy brown hair, cascading down her back; this is the real me. I am happy and content. I feel whole again. And no, Jake and I aren’t back together, and I’m pretty sure that we won’t ever date again, but I feel like I have closure now. I hated wondering if we were ever going to talk again. I hated wondering why he hated me. There are still so many things that I don’t know. I don’t know the real reason why he broke up with me. I don’t know why he dated Bionca if he knew how much I hated her. I don’t know why he felt like it was necessary to be a dick to me after we broke up. But hopefully, when we become friends, he will answer these questions. Right now though, I want to focus on having an amazing summer. I want to fix things between Jake and me. I think that this could work - this friendship thing.


“Allie! Get up! It’s time to go to camp!”

I roll over in my bed and throw off the covers. Then it hits me – I’m going to talk to Jake in person today for the first time in three months. AND HE’S GOING TO HUG ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I walk over to my dresser and put on a pair of black short shorts. I slip on a white lacey tank top and a pair of black converse. I walk to the bathroom and brush my hair into a neat ponytail. I apply some very light face makeup and brush my teeth. I run downstairs and grab my lunch from the fridge. I throw it in my backpack and head out the door, waiting on the curb with my brothers. As I wait for the bus to come, I replay every memory I have with Jake in my head. I get up to the memory of the first breakup when the bus arrives. I board the bus and sit in the back. I put in my earphones and turn on my music before resuming my trip down memory lane. I think about that weekend that he stayed with me and we snuggled and watched movies and everything. I think about every little kiss, every word he ever said to me. I think about our second breakup and how badly he hurt me. How hurt I was when I found out that he was dating Bionca. Everything flooded back into my head. I began shaking and sweating, nervous to see him and hear his sexy voice again. I look down and realize that my fists are clenched. Then I remember our conversation last night and I relax. I unclench my fists and take a deep breath and let it out. It’s going to be okay now. He’s going to show you that he’s really sorry for the way he treated you.

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