Chapter One:

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  • Dedicated to My parents who have helped to shape who I am


6:35 - time to wake up

I roll over in my bed, pulling the covers over my head.

Its the first day of school. A new school. Oh wow, its HIGH SCHOOL.

Pulling back the covers and hopping out of bed, I go to the bathroom and pee. I splash water on my face, gasping at the contact of the cold water on my skin. I brush my hair and teeth and go back to my room to get dressed. 

Next, getting dressed. Easy, I have to wear dress code.

I pull the blue button down shirt over my head and pull on the stiff ironed khaki skirt that my mom hung in my closet for me. Slipping on my Toms, I grab my backpack and run downstairs.

"Hey Dad!"

"Hey Allie! Glad to see that you're awake and getting ready for school! I thought I would have to drag you out of bed this morning."

I grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal and milk. Dunking my spoon into my breakfast, I glance at the clock. Ten minutes till' I had to leave for school with my dad. As I eat, my brothers all start coming downstairs and prepare to leave.


Pulling up to school, my stomach fills with butterflies. My first year of high school was about to begin.

I get out of the car with my backpack and walk into the school. I find my locker and swirl the dial around, successfully opening my locker. I place the books I will need for that morning in my backpack.

"Hey, are you new here?"

"Um yeah, I'm Allie. What's your name?"

"I'm Scott." 

I turned to see a really attractive boy leaning against the locker next to mine. Damn.

"Nice to meet you."

Scott leans closer to me, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I um....I have to go to clas," I say nervously.

"Alright, I'll see you around hottie!" he says. 

I walk away from the locker bay to my class. Ew. That was nasty. That guy was obviously looking for something I DID NOT want to give him.


Lunch. Oh lordy. The part of the first day of school that every new student dreads.

"Hey," I say, placing my lunch down on the table next to my friend Rayna. I've known her for a year.

"How was your morning so far?"

"It was pretty good. This morning, some kid named Scott came over to me and made me incredibly uncomfortable, but other than that it was good."

"Ew, stay away from him. He's known for making trouble. Whatever you do, don't fall in love with that dick."

"Ok then," I say, not really sure how hungry I am anymore. 

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