Chapter Twenty Three:

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Okay, a few things before the chapter begins.

1.) Please keep voting and commenting! My goal for the end of March is 1,500 reads.

2.) I wanna dedicate this chapter to my best friends. If you are reading this, you know who you are, and I love you.

3.) This is going to be the third to last chapter of who am I?. But don't worry, because there's going to be a sequel. SO GET PSYCHED! It's gonna be awesome, surprising, heart wrenching, funny and romantic.

And now.....I give you....CHAPTER TWENTY THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finals are starting and studying for them has been beyond painful. I try and study for math, but memories float into my head instead of the quadratic equations I've been staring at for three hours.

"Allie, why don't you go outside and take a walk. It'll help you get refocused." My mom says, acknowledging the fact that studying is extremely hard for me right now.

"Okay." I say, closing my textbook.

I walk to my closet and pull out my sneakers. I grab my ipod and a bottle of water and head out the door.

I turn the volume all the way up, I can barely even hear my heartbeat as I run down my street and round the corner.

As I run, I keep telling myself that if this is how things were supposed to end with Jake, then they ended this way for a reason. Who knows? Maybe in the future what we had will rekindle. But for right now, I have to focus on myself and my grades and my friends and family. All of those things, I've let go of the last few months that I was with Jake.

Life isn't so easy anymore. I'm not that cute little girl who has pigtails and every day is happy. But that doesn't mean I can't live it and try and beat the challenges I face daily. I don't want to just survive, I want to live. I want to be happy, and I don't need Jake to be happy. Maybe he enhanced it, but I have to know how to make myself happy.

I round the corner of my street and head home. I am going to do well on these finals, broken hearted or not. I can do this.

~~~~~A month later~~~~~

"Allie, you have to get ready for camp tomorrow. I put your bathing suits on your bed. Please go make your lunch and pack your bag." My mom says, to me at the dinner table.

"Okay Mom." I say, getting up and putting my plate in the sink. I don't want to go to camp. Jake and Bionca are gonna be there and I really don't feel like watching them being all cute together. I want to be Bionca so bad. Ew. No. YUCK. NEVERMIND. I don't. I just want to have another chance to love Jake.

I pack a salad and half a sandwich for my lunch tomorrow. Next I pack a towel and flip flops along with sunscreen in an old backpack. Done. I don't want to think about tomorrow anymore. I just want to relax.

I grab my phone and lay down on my bed. I look down to see that I have a text from Jessica.

Jessica: Allie!!!!!!!!!!!! I needa tell you something.

Allie: yeah?

Jessica: Jake and Bionca broke up.

Allie: no way. Where did you hear that from?

Jessica: Megan told me. Joe is with Jake and Jake is really heartbroken.

Allie: oh

Jessica: aren't you happy?!?! You can get him back now!

Allie: well, idk. I'm not happy to hear that he's heartbroken. As much as he hurt me, I never like to see him upset. And I swear if that bitch Bionca was the one who broke up with him, I will have absolutely no sympathy for her.

Jessica: makes sense. Well, anyway, I hope you have a good day. Text me if you need something.

Allie: thanks jess

Oh. That's literally my exact reaction to this. I don't know if I should be happy or not. I don't think I am. I mean, at this point, as far as I know, Jake hates me and doesn't even wanna talk to me. And I also know that it isn't good to bask in other people's sorrows. The only thing I'll be happy about is if Jake broke Bionca's heart, because she godddamn deserves it. But if she broke his heart, and he comes running to me, I'm gonna pity him, because I still care about him.

I suddenly feel a little hopeful for tomorrow. Maybe things will go well.



Ugh. I don't want to get up. Time for camp.

I roll out of bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on a pair of pink shorts and a white tank top and my converse.

"Goodmorning Mom." I say, filling a bowl with cereal and milk.

"Goodmorning Allie. I'm going to run to the store to get some things. I probably will not be back till after the bus comes to pick you up. Have a great day!" she says, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks." I say, wiping the wet kiss off my face. Ew.

I finish eating and put my bowl in the sink.

"BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BUS IS GONNA BE HERE IN FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!! GET DOWNSTAIRS AND WAIT BY THE DOOR PLEASE!!!!!!!!" I yell up the stairs to my brothers.


The bus is here.

I grab my backpack and a water bottle and head out the door, closing it behind all of my brothers and me.

I sit down on the bus in the back. I put in my earphones and close my eyes.


Next thing I know, everyone is getting off the bus. I guess I slept through the entire thirty minute bus ride. I get off the bus and the first person I see is Bionca.

"ALLLIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" she yells across the field, running up to me.

Why is she being so friendly? Doesn't she hate me? My guard is up.

"Hey. What's up?"

"I'm sure you heard that Jake and I aren't dating anymore." She said, pulling me into an uncomfortably tight hug.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry to hear about your loss." I mumble.

"PShhhhht. My loss? It's his. He's cheap shit anyway. All he wanted was sex. All the time. Everywhere. Sex." She said, pulling me over to a bench beside some water coolers.

"Oh." I say, very calmly. I know that can't be true. I know he doesn't just want sex. He isn't a sex addict. I bet it was her who wanted to go further. That bitch.

"He's so horrible. He was never a good boyfriend anyway. You can have that dick back if you still want him." Bionca bitches, spitting into the dirt.

"I don't think he's horrible. That's kinda rude. Why did you guys break up?" I ask innocently.

"I broke up with him because the relationship was too physical. He never told me I was pretty, all he wanted was the key to my V." she says.

"I'm sure that's not true. That doesn't sound like Jake."

"Speak of the devil, there he is. That dick."

"Bionca, I know things didn't go well with you and him, but don't call him that and talk shit about him. Okay?"

"Yeah whatever." She says, standing up and walking away.

This is going to be a very long summer...

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