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"I'm so fat!"

"I hate myself"

"I am the ugliest human being ever"

Dr. Smith told me that I had to lose thirty pounds. That's a lot. I had to lose it fast too, the summer was starting and being over weight in a bikini isn't exactly good for social status.

Sometimes I wish I was invisible. I literally hate the way I look. I'm 5'8 and I have long wavy brown hair and blueish green eyes that are what people say "cat eyes". I just got my braces off, so I guess that helps. I just wish I was shorter, less awkward, blonde. I wish the guys liked me. I feel like everyone has had their first kiss already. I just feel so out of the loop, so far behind.

I have four brothers and two parents. My dad is a dentist and my mom is just a mom. She's really the best mom though. I am the oldest, and I have a ton of responsibilities.

I'm weird I guess. I never fit in. I always stick out like a sore thumb. I wish I fit in. I wish people liked me more. I wish I was invited to parties. I hate myself. Nobody really likes me either.

For years I've never really had a friend who I could tell things to. I have always been bullied. I guess I've gotten used it, but that doesn't mean that I'm okay with it. Next year is high school and I hope that with a new school, new kids, and new teachers, I can be a new me.

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