Chapter Sixteen:

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"Mom, can Jake please come over this weekend?"

"I'll have to talk to Dad about it."

"Why does it matter what Dad thinks? He's not even gonna be here this weekend!"

"Allie, the more you nag me about it, the less of a chance there is that you'll be able to have him over."

"Okay fine." I say, stomping upstairs to my room.

"Allie, you need to set the table for dinner!" my mom yells upstairs.


She's been so annoying lately about me helping out around the house. Last night it was the dishes and now its setting the table for dinner.

"I'll be down in five minutes!" I yell back.


JAKE: Can I come over this weekend?

Allie: Yeah, I asked my mom and she said yes. Just no PDA. okay? xoxo

JAKE: that'll be tough babe

Allie: please :*

JAKE: oh alright, ill try my best


"Allie, wake up sweetie."

"Huh?" I ask groggily, my eyes fluttering open.

"Jake is gonna be here in an hour! You need to get up and get ready!" my mom says, flipping on the light above my bed.

"Okay, I'm up. Thanks mom!" I say, sitting up, rubbing my eyes.

I take a shower and blow dry my hair. I pick a pair of black leggings and a big sweater with a zipper down the back. I blow dry and straighten my hair, lightly applying some makeup. I try not to wear too much, because Jake says I'm beautiful without it, but I'm insecure so I need to wear some.

Just as I finish applying my mascara, I hear the doorbell ring, signifying that Jake is here. We never really planned what we are gonna do today, but for me, a date doesn't need to be super fancy, it should just be quality time with the other person.

I run downstairs, tripping on the last step. The ground seems to be coming at me faster and faster and then boom, I smash into the hardwood floor. A tear and moan escape me. Ouch. That really hurt. I turn my head to see a pair of feet. I look up and I see Jake standing there, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Well that was graceful.” he teases, offering me a hand.

I take his hand and stand up. I brush off the “dust” on my clothes and look around. I realize that my entire family is standing there staring at me.

“You are so pwitty” my little brother Daniel says to me.

“Thanks.” I giggle.

“I would have to agree.” Jake says, putting his arm around my shoulder.

“Ew.” The oldest of my brothers, Ben, says.

“Ben…let’s behave ourselves.” my mom says, ushering all of my brother’s into the kitchen for brunch. Jake and I follow.

There are bagels and eggs, and bacon and lox and cream cheese, and tuna and lettuce and tomato. Every kind of brunch item you could think of. Wow, my mom never does this. Is it just cuz Jake is here? But Jake has been here before. Weird, but I’m not gonna lie, pretty freaking awesome.

“Wow Mom, this is really quite a spread.” I say, taking a plate, filling it with food.

“Yes, thank you for having me.” Jake says, following my actions.

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