Chapter Seven:

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Tomorrow starts the Virgin Basketball Tournament. It is probably the thing that everyone has been looking forward to the most, aside from winter break. Basically, a lot of schools that are in the same division as my school come and compete for an entire week. Both girls and boys teams play. The reason why all the students love it so much is because we get out of classes and the teacher's aren't allowed to assign homework.

I'm excited for a different reason though. Jake told me that he wants to hanng out with me during the games. He told me to meet him by the bleachers on the right side of the red gym.

I finish my homework, do my laundry, eat dinner, and shower. I lay in my bed thinking about my conversation with Jake. Are we dating now? No. We just established that we like each other, nothing more. My heart is beating so fast. My cheeks are warm. I feel like I just won a million dollars.



Ugh. I reaaaaaally don't want to get up this morning. I don't want to go to school. I roll over and cover my head with my blanket.

"Allie! I heard your alarm go off. Get up!" my dad yells, as if reading my mind.

I roll over and see that I set out spiritwear for myself for today. Why?

OMG ITS VIRGIN TOURNAMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I jump out of bed.Run to bathroom, splashing water on my face. I get dressed and do my hair and makeup; making sure to look extra pretty for Jake. God I love him.

I race downstairs, throw some food in my lunchbag, grab an apple and granola bar for breakfast and head to the car.


"Have great day beautiful!" my dad yells as I slam the car door shut, walking up the path to school.

I honestly don't think I've ever been so excited to be in school before.

I get to the lockerbay and there is a chocolate bar taped to my locker. WHo is this from? I pull it off and look at the little pink post-it-note that is sticking to the back of it.

                                         Roses are red

                                                      Violets are blue

                                        I'm so happy to know

                                                      That you like me too

                                                                                       <3 Jake

I'm pretty sure that I just squeaked. That was adorable.

"Heyyyyyy, what's that?"

I turn around to see Scott standing uncomfortably close to me.

"Oh, it's really nothing." I say, putting the chocolate and note into my bag.

"You excited for Virgin?!?!?!" he asks, stepping even closer to me.

"Totally! I gotta go though, see ya!"

He makes me wanna puke. I feel so uncomfortable when he's around me. Ew.

I see my friend Megan standing by her locker with her boyfriend Joe. I walk over to them.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey! What brings you over here? Trying to escape Scott?" she asks giggling at the little joke she made.

"How'd you know?" I ask teasingly.

"I know everything." Megan says.

"Wait, speaking of knowing everything...sorry Joe, I gotta steal Megan from you for a minute."

"Alright, I'll see you later Meg." he says sweetly, kissing her cheek before walking over to his guy friends.

"What do you needa tell me?" Megan asks quietly.

"Come with me to the bathroom, I'll tell you in there."

"Okay, let's go!" Megan says, closing her locker. In the bathroom, I tell Megan about the weekend resort with Jake.

"Damn gurl!" Megan teases.

I show her the messages from last night.

"Sooooooo are you guys dating? Like, what's the deal?!?!" she asks.

"I'm not sure. He said to meet him by the bleachers in the red gym during Virgin."

"Do you wanna date him?"

"Yes. Of course. He's freaking adorable."

At that moment, Bionca comes out of the stall, clearing her throat, making it clear that she was there. Let me just say, Bionca and I go wayyyyyy back. Her bullying me began when she came to my old school in fourth grade. She does everything she can to ruin my life. When I switched schools for high school, I prayed that she wouldn't switch to the same school as me. She did.

"Oh hi Bionca!" I say with a tone that drips with fakeness.

"Who do you like?" she asks as she washes her hands.

"Nobody." I say confidently, not wanting her to ruin what I have with Jake.

"DON'T LIE TO ME. I HEARD THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION." her voice gets louder than necessary.

"It's none of your business Bionca." Megan says.

"Fine." she says, storming out of the bathroom.

"Yeesh! What is her problem!?!?!" Megan asks.

"I have no idea. We should head to class though, don't wanna be late."

"Okay, I'll see you later. Let me know how things go with you-know-who."

"I will!" I say smiling.

Alright, I need to focus on first period. After that, we have half of second period and then Virgin Tournaments for the rest of the day.

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