Chapter 14

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"I gotta work." Aug chuckles, trying to get me to stand up.

"No." I whine, pecking his lips again.

"Imma see you when I get back." He promises. "Imma need help with the homework anyway."

There was a really bad storm a week and a half ago, the power in the building that he lives in went out and so he is staying at my mom's until it gets fixed.

"But I can't lay on you when you're not here." I pout.

"Imma be back at six, baybeh." He promises. He looks over my shoulder, most likely making sure no one was there, then he presses his lips to mine.

"Fine, my mom gets home at four." I tell him.

"See, that's not too long. It's already two, Leah." Today is Thursday, but we skipped. It was my first time skipping school and I was terrified I was gonna get caught. We actually had a lot of fun though, and we didn't get caught.

"Okay. I love you." I smile.

"I love you, Leah." He smiles back. We share one more kiss, then he has to get up and put on his uniform. I lay in bed, watching him move around the room to get ready. I was laying in his room today. Yes, his room. My mom turned one of the rooms into his, she decorated it for him and everything.

"Bye, baybeh." He kisses my forehead.

"Bye, Auggie." I smile. "See you at six?"

"At six." He nods.

"Carry me to my room?" I ask.

He picks me up, leaving the room, carrying me to mine. He sits me on the bed, kisses my forehead once more and says, "I love you, best friend."

"I love you too, best friend."

He leaves, my brother is taking him to work today and he was outside in his car. He beeped the horn a minute ago. "I'a text you on my break." He promises.

"Okay. See you later."

He leaves my room and I sit at the desk, pulling out the homework that was due today. May as well make sure everything is finished. And it was, so I check my school account. I had an email from my art teacher, so I read it. It was to the whole class, not just me.

From: Tessa Payne

Subject: Today in Class

Good morning, class. We will be starting a new project today, but since I won't be there today, I will explain it through email.

The project is a group project, you will have tomorrow, next week, and Monday-Wednesday of the following week to complete the project. I have partnered everyone up, they are listed below. If you wish to change your partner, send me an email before class starts tomorrow.

You have three options on how to do the project, they are listed below.

1. Research a famous artist, create a presentation on their inspirations, artwork and life. You're presentation must be at least ten to fifteen minutes.

2. Find at lease five famous painting, explain what they mean to you. You will do this recreating the image, but not changing it. For example, if you chose the Mona Lisa, do not completely change her expression. Make small changes that impact the meaning.

3. Find five things that inspire you and your partner, combine them into one or two paintings, illustrations or digital images.

The rubrics and requirements are attached to this email for each choice, please view them before you and your partner make a final decision. Email me with your decision before class starts tomorrow. I've tried to partner you up with people I see you talking to in class, the partners are:

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