Chapter 4

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"We gotta go!" My mom yells from downstairs. The dinner is tonight, my mom is about to drop me off at my dad's. August is supposed to be there. He said he would call a cab.

August has been a little different this week, not too much, just a little. He hasn't said a word about the phone call. I haven't asked because I don't want him to feel pressured.

"Bye, mommy. I'll see you later. I love you." I kiss my mom's cheek before stepping out of the car.

"Bye, sweetheart. I love you too, you look beautiful!" She exclaims.

"Thank you!" I yell, heading to the house, careful not to mess up my dress.

August and I sit in the back seat of my dad's car and make quiet conversation on the way there. "You look nice." I compliment him.

"Thank ya'. You look beautiful." He smiles at me.

"Thanks." I blush.

"Did you get a chance to finish yo' half of da' project?" He asks me.

"Yeah, it's finished." I nod.

"When is it due again?"

"Monday." I answer.

"Okay, so we'ca put it together this weekend."

"So, how'd you get detention yesterday?" I asked.

"When you was in the bathroom, I was drawin' in ma' notebook, and she told me not. I said I was drawin' for the project we were workin' on, she ain't believe me, so I kept drawin' anyway and she gave me detention." He shrugs.

"What'd you do in there?" I ask him.

"Draw some mo'." He chuckles.

I laugh, "Did they say anything?"

"Nah." He shakes his head.

All to soon, we were pulling into to the gala type thing. I don't like being around all these people, it makes me nervous.

I'm not very popular in school, it's easy to go by without being the center of attention. Yes, I am nice and friendly, but that doesn't make me popular. Most people know me, because at one point in time, we had talked. But the only person I talk to every day is August. Other people, we say our hey's and hi's in the hallway, then keep moving.

At these dinners, I have to talk to all these people's kids, and sometimes the parents. They want to know what I want to do with my life in the future, where I want to go to college, what about family, etcetera. The thing is, I don't know yet. I'm not another rich kid who wants to go to Harvard and has their entire life planned by the time I'm sixteen.

I want to enjoy my life. I want to make mistakes, I want to learn from them. I want to travel the world. That doesn't mean I don't want to go to college, I do. I just, I have years before I start applying. Yes, I've looked at colleges, no, I haven't applied for early admission. I don't want to.

But, that's unacceptable at these dinners. I have to pretend to be someone I'm not, to make my dad and Elizabeth look good. The reason my brothers don't come is because they refuse to do that. They will be one hundred and ten percent honest with what they want to do with their lives. Basketball player, football player, and no one things it's realistic, so they refuse to come.

"Come on, Leah." August grabs my hand.

I step out the car, with the help of August. I hold my dress going inside, I don't want to mess this dress up.

Oh yeah, another thing about these dinners, Kyle is here. August keeps my hand in his as we walk inside.

"Oh, who's that?" August points at some girl in a purple dress.

We Started As Friends (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now